❝Reminisce ❞

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"Love-" Y/n wasn't able to continue because Akaashi suddenly gave her a tight hug.

"This feeling, it's lovely." Akaashi pinpointed that made so many feelings rise from Y/n.

"Your hug is too tight." Y/n said that made Akaashi free Y/n from his arms.

"I'm sorry, I didn't notice." He said

"Yes that feeling, it's lovely"

"I love it"

"But why does a part of my heart aches? Is it because of S/n?"

"I'm sorry it's all my fault" Akaashi said that made Y/n more serious.

"No, it's all because of me. If I didn't wait for you that day nothing would've happen." The side of Y/n's eyes started to form tears. 

"If I didn't wait for you...."

 "I didn't know that meeting you would be a mistake"

 "To be honest, I think meeting you is the best mistake." 

"Can you tell me what you found out?" Akaashi asked while looking straight at Y/n.

"Sure, also tell me what you know. I'm still a little confused." Y/n replied.

After a few minutes of exchanging what they know a lot of memories came back to both of them.

"How can the world be this so cruel?" Y/n asked while staring at the sky.

"Who knows? Maybe the world is up to something crueler." Akaashi said still looking at Y/n.

 Y/n faced Akaashi "What do you mean?" Y/n asked Akaashi.

"Nothing" Akaashi replied shortly.

"So all of my dreams, when I was on a comma, is real. My dreams are S/n's reality." Y/n smiled bitterly.

"Thank you, Akaashi" Y/n stated.

"I told you this before right? You don't have to thank me." Akaashi said.

 "Can you come with me? I haven't visited S/n" Y/n asked Akaashi.

"Sure, Can we go after lunch?" Akaashi suggested.

"Yeah let's go after lunch. Umm Akaashi I told you before that I'll be leaving." Y/n said.

"Yes, what about it?" Akaashi asked.

"Uhh, it's nothing" Y/n said.

"I'll wait for you at the bus stop tomorrow." Akaashi said to Y/n.

"Sure." Y/n said

"Why is she bring that up?"

"Is there a problem?"

"I shouldn't overthink, I'll wait for her to open up."


Y/n and Akaashi are now both standing in front of a grave.

"It's been a while S/n" Y/n said while looking at her friend's grave.

"I'm sorry" Y/n keeps saying sorry to S/n because she thinks that she's the reason for the death of S/n. After a few minutes of silence, Y/n started a conversation with Akaashi.

"Akaashi I won't beat around the bush-" Y/n started but was cut by Akaashi.

"I know you're leaving." Akaashi said in a cold voice.

"H-how did you know?" Y/n asked.

"I can read it through your face yesterday. You've been wanting to tell me that right?" Akaashi said.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not leaving for good, I'm leaving because I want to find myself."

"I understand" Akaashi said.

"How can you always understand?"Y/n asked.

"When it comes to you I know that I can handle everything. The happiness, sadness, even the pain" Akaashi said.

"Fuck I'm being selfish again. I'm gonna leave you again." Y/n said while holding her forehead. 

"Hey" Akaashi grabbed Y/n's hand from her forehead and hold it.

"You're not selfish. Especially you're not leaving me, I'll always be there in your heart. I know it."

"C-can you wait for me?" Y/n asked Akaashi while looking at Akaashi's hands.

"Even if it takes forever. I will wait." Akaashi hold Y/n's chin then make Y/n look at her

"Because I know that you'll comeback."


Y/n is now at the airport waiting for her flight. Of course Akaashi is there to bid his farewell to Y/n. 

"This is it, I don't wanna say this but.... goodbye" Akaashi can't hide his sadness enough for Y/n to notice it.

"Remember this, I'll come back for you. I don't know when but I know I will." Y/n said to Akaashi. 

"I'll remember that. I'll be here waiting for you." Akaashi said.

"Well, I must go now, bye my love." Y/n said then turned around and started to walk while holding her luggage.

 Akaashi was left by himself at the airport "Please let me wait for her"

"I'll understand if your feelings for me will change"

"But I hope you'll remember that I'll come back for you"

"Please wait for me, love"

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝙆. AkaashiWhere stories live. Discover now