❝Confusing Past❞

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"Hey, are you alright?" Akaashi asked Y/n because he didn't get a response. Y/n can't even move because Akaashi was so close to her. After a jiffy Y/n got back to her senses. 

"Y-yeah I'm fine." Y/n replied then looked at the umbrella.

 "Wait you're the new girl in our class right?" Akaashi asked after analyzing Y/n.

"So he doesn't know me."

"Good thing I didn't expect him to say "Hey Y/n I'm your boyfriend", but he really is like the man in my dream and I hate it."

"Yes" Y/n shortly replied. "Why do I even feel hurt? It's not like he broke my heart, In fact, this is just our first encounter." 

Akaashi is still holding the umbrella and trying to give it to Y/n. 

"It's okay, I don't need it." Y/n said not even looking at Akaashi.

  "What do you mean? Are you waterproof or something?" Akaashi said that caused Y/n to look at him. 

"I'll just wait for the rain to stop." Y/n said. 

"What if it won't stop? Then you can't go home." Akashi stated while looking at Y/n.

"So?" Y/n asked. 

"Hey don't get the wrong idea. I don't want to feel guilty okay? I heard that you just woke from a coma." Y/n's fake smile suddenly vanished and was replaced with a pure smile. 

"Well, thank you for your concern." Y/n said and took the umbrella. 

"He seems nice, I should appreciate his concern."

Akaashi was about to leave when Y/n accepted the umbrella but Y/n called her. "Hey, how about you?"

Akaashi raised both his thick eyebrows "What about me?" Y/n was also concerned about Akaashi because she knows that he has amnesia. 

"Hey don't get the wrong idea. I also don't want to feel guilty. You have an amnesia right?" Y/n imitated Akaashi. 

"Rain won't do anything to me." Akaashi said. 

"Same to me" Y/n fired back.

"What's your name?" Akaashi asked. 

"Right we don't know each other." 

"My name is Y/n" She replied while smiling.

  "You have the same name as her." Akaashi whispered but loud enough for Y/n to hear it. 

"Who's her?" Y/n asked out of curiosity. 

"S/n, she was my girlfriend." Akaashi said without emotions.

  "Was huh?" Y/n said. 

"Yes, she's gone. She encountered an accident." Akaashi said.

Y/n was out of words "I'm sorry" Y/n said. 

"It's okay, to be honest, I still can't remember her. I just saw a picture of us together." Akaashi stated.

  "By the way, my name is-" Y/n cut his statement. 

"Akaashi, you're Akaashi Keiji am I right?" Y/n said in an emotionless voice. When Akaashi heard Y/n's voice calling his name a memory flashbacked on him.

 *"Akaashi, I'm sorry please make her happy."* 

"Hey" Y/n waved her hands in front of Akaashi because he didn't respond. 

"Yeah, That's me." Akaashi said then smiled. 

"What was that? A girl saying sorry to me? Why now? Why here? Why when I heard her call my name? Do we know each other but we can't just remember?" Akaashi is still spacing out. 

A hand wanting to shook appeared in his sight 

"Nice to meet you" Y/n said while offering her hand. 

"I guess we don't really know each other." 

Akaashi reached for Y/n's hand and shook it "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/n."

"Now what should we do? You don't want me to get wet but I also don't want you to get wet." Y/n said. 

"Then how about I just take you home?" Akaashi suggested. 

Y/n raised a brow "That's a hassle, my house is far from school." Y/n told Akaashi. 

"Then that decides it! My house is just near so the umbrella's yours." Akaashi didn't wait for Y/n to talk he ran away while covering his head with his bag to avoid water to come to his eyes.

Y/n was shocked at what Akaashi did.  "Well I hope he won't catch a cold, that will just make me more guilty."

Y/n opened the umbrella and started to walk to the bus stop. Y/n finally got home from school, her mother welcomed her as she walked through the door. Y/n went to her room to change because she's still on her uniform. "I must give this back to him."

Akaashi got home soaked in the rain. "Akaashi you're home!" her mother came to him and was about to give him a hug but stopped when she realized that Akaashi is wet. 

"Why are you so wet? You have an umbrella right?" Her mother asked.

  "Yes, I lend it to a classmate." Akaashi went to his room to go to change. He was looking for a comfortable shirt in his closet when a picture stuck at one of his shirts fell to the ground.

"What's this?" Akaashi's eyes widen when he saw a picture of him with a girl laughing while holding hands but it wasn't his girlfriend. 

"Why is she with me? What are we?"


Y/n waked up early and went to school early because she wants to study the lessons for later. When she entered the room there wasn't anyone except her and Akaashi. Akaashi is staring at him since she entered the room. "Maybe he's waiting for me to return his umbrella." Y/n rose from her seat while holding Akaashi's umbrella.

"Hey here's your-" Akaashi interrupted.

"Do we know each other?" Akaashi asked. The question made Y/n serious.

 "I have the same question in mind." 

"I know your name and you know mines so I guess yes?" Y/n replied trying not to say the words she want to tell. 

"I mean before you transferred here." Akaashi clarified. 

"The memories in me are still vague, I can't remember anything that has any relation with you. But when I was in a coma I was dreaming, dreaming of you." Akaashi got something out of his pocket. He slides it onto the table near Y/n. Y/n picks the paper from Akaashi's pocket. 

"A picture?"

"Two people that looks like a couple holding hands while laughing"

"A picture of Akaashi and me?"

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝙆. AkaashiWhere stories live. Discover now