❝Special Chapter❞

590 32 18

It was a bright and sunny morning. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky. The soft wind passed through her soft and silky skin and her beautiful hair got carried in the wind's direction.

She brushed her hair using her fingertips and formed a smile as she saw the name of her favorite cafe in Japan. She opened the cafe's door and the coffee's sweet aroma welcomed her.

"I miss this place." Y/n said to herself while looking around the little cafe.

Since she is just alone, Y/n sat on a solo table near the wall that is made of glass.

"Can I get your order?" The female waiter said.

"One French vanilla coffee and a cinnamon roll please." Y/n replied.

"One French vanilla coffee and a cinnamon roll coming right up!" The waiter said then excused herself.

Y/n let out a long sigh and grabbed something from her bag.

"Our diaries."

She smiled as she looked outside the cafe's glass wall that is revealing the streets outside.

"This is the place where I got into an accident."  Y/n chuckled.

Then she looked again at the two diaries at the table. Y/n started to read one of them and the only thing that is visible to her face is her pure smile. After a jiffy, Y/n is already finished with the first notebook but a voice interrupted her.

"Here's your order ma'am!" The jolly waiter said then placed Y/n's order on her table then excused herself again.

"It's been years since everything."

"It's been years since I read his letter."

"It's been years since the man of my dreams became a real dream."

"But when did we actually first met?"


"Hey Y/n, are you sure you're still not coming home? You'll be left here alone and it seems like it's gonna rain really hard." Her blond-haired classmate wearing a Nekoma jacket and carrying a portable game console said.

"I'll be fine, Kenma. You should go home. I'm still gonna finish this activity." Y/n said without batting an eye on her classmate because she is too busy with her school activity.

"Then, I'll be leaving." Kenma didn't receive a response from Y/n anymore because she is so focused on her works.

"2,379-" Y/n wasn't able to continue because her alarm suddenly rang. She picked up her phone then looked at her screen. Her eyes squinted because of the phone's brightness. 

"7:00?" Y/n looked around and found out that it is already nightfall. The sky is already dark and the shining full moon was covered by the thick fluffy clouds.

"Tch, I didn't notice the time." Y/n said while packing her things.

She went out of her room then walked through the dark hallways that were only being lighted by defective light bulbs. Since her house is just a few blocks away from school, Y/n would just walk in order for her to go home.

In the middle of her walk, she felt droplets of water falling from the night sky.

"I guess Kenma was right. It's raining." Y/n opened her backpack so she can get her umbrella but her things are a mess and she can't find where her umbrella is. The rain is starting to get stronger and Y/n is starting to get wet. Good thing she saw a near waiting shed that can cover her from the rain while she's looking for her umbrella.

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝙆. AkaashiWhere stories live. Discover now