❝No more dreams❞

639 32 21

- Y/b/d - Y/n's birthday


Akaashi is on his way to school, while he was scrolling through his phone a reminder popped on his screen "New Diary - buy".

He read the reminder, then a thought came to his mind. "New? So there's an old? Where is it?" Thinking that there is an old one Akaashi decided to scroll more on his old reminders hoping that he can get an idea on where it is. 

"Locker - Hide it there" Akaashi is pretty sure that it was the diary.

He rushed towards his school "Maybe the answers to my questions are there" He went straight to the lockers area hoping he could find he's, After reading the names of every locker he finally found he's locker but there was a problem, he doesn't know the passcode. He tried different numbers several times but he couldn't open it.

"Is it S/n's birthday?" he tried it but it didn't open. Akaashi was out of ideas on what's the code but he remembered of Y/n.

Akaashi grab his phone from his pocket then he opened his socmed then searched Y/n's name then scrolled in Y/n's information."Y/b/d" he converted it all into numbers then put it in his locker's code. 

"It opened" His locker is a little dusty because the last time he opened it is the time he still doesn't have amnesia. There are many books in his locker but something caught his attention, a white notebook.

He opened the first page of the notebook and saw a date and a phrase. "A diary almost a year ago." 

Akaashi decided to read what's in it to remember what happened a year ago. The notebook isn't full because he didn't continued writing when he had an amnesia. After a few minutes he already finished reading. He became dazed because of what he read.

"I fulfill my promise to her, i didn't bother her. She came back again to say goodbye, I didn't hold back. Everything became a nightmare."

*A year ago*

Akaashi is about to fetch her girlfriend S/n in school "Her class will end in 10 minutes, I better hurry." He was a few blocks away from school when he saw a women looking at her with emotionless eyes. 

It was Y/n "This is the first time she looked at me after that day, why now?" He wasn't expecting Y/n to talk to him so Akaashi was surprised when Y/n called him.

"H-hey Akaashi" with wide eyes Akaashi looked at Y/n.

Akaashi doesn't know what to say so he responded shortly "Hey".

"Thank you for fulfilling your promise." Y/n said while looking down.

"There's no need to tell that." Akaashi replied.

Y/n smiled when Akaashi replied "That's why I love you" she whispered unconsciously. 

"What?" Akaashi asked.

"Nothing, it's nothing" Y/n said a little nervous. The atmosphere between the to is awkward but Y/n decided to talk.

"I know that you'll come here at this time so I waited for you." Y/n stated

"Why? Do you wanna say something?" Akaashi asked.

"I'm going away now." Y/n said in a low voice.

"You already left, 3 years ago remember?" Akaashi said that made Y/n smile.

"Why smile aren't you hurting?"

Y/n looked at the sun while it's setting "I never left Akaashi, throughout this time I'm always with you. I know that I'm not the one beside you but my feelings hasn't changed at all." Akaashi became silent

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝙆. AkaashiWhere stories live. Discover now