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Hyunjin's POV

"Fucking sit down Kim Hyunjin I'm getting dizzy" Sooyoung-unnie said as I walk back and forth.

"Chill unnie" Hyejoo said as she fix her tie. Yerim walked to me and hug me tight.

"You'll be fine unnie" I nodded and wipe my sweaty hands on my pants. The door opened and mom walked in.

"Aigoo my baby is nervous" she fixed my tie and buttoned my coat.

"Do I look okay, mom?" she smiled and patted my shoulders.

"You look good sweetie" I look at my phone, waiting for Minju's message.

"Aish that kid" I sat down and Yerim hold my hand. I look at her and she gave me a warm smile.

"She's my daughter!" I heard a shout outside and I quickly stand up.

"Stay here" mom walked out the room and Vivi-unnie entered.

"What's happening outside, unnie?" I asked, she just walked to me with a worried look.

"Just sit back Hyunjinie" I shook my head

"Unnie what's happening outside?" I repeated and the door burst open.

"Daughter" my 'mom' walked to me and hugged me. I gently pushed her away and look at her.

"Why are you here?" I asked coldly and she cupped my face.

"It's my daughter's wedding so I should be here" I scoffed and look behind her. I saw Minju, her left cheek is so red and has a wound on her lip.

I quickly walked to her and hold her chin. She flinched when I touch her face and a tear escaped her eyes.

"Who fucking did this to you?" I asked and she just shook her head forcing a smile.

"It's nothing unnie I just fell this morning" she said and took a quick glance to our mother.

"Look at me in the eye Kim Minju" I said and she looked down, wiping her tears.

"It's really noth----"

"She already said it's nothing" my mother said and I glare at her.

"Fucking shut up" I said and look at Minju again.

"Minju-yah look at unnie's eyes" she finally look at me and I smiled at her.

"Tell me what happened" her eyes is shaking

"M-mom hit me this morning" I gritted my teeth and turn to Yerim.

"Bring her to the other room" Yerim nodded and guided Minju to the other room.

"Why did you hurt her?" I asked

"Because she doesn't want me to attend your wedding" I closed my eyes and massage my temple.

"I don't want you here" I said and look at her.

"Hyunjinie" Sooyoung-unnie said

"Please leave" I said and opened the door for her.

"Kim Hyunjin I'm your mother" she said and just stood there, not moving an inch.

"I don't care just fucking leave or I'll call the guards" she looked at me in disbelief before walking out of the door.

"Unnie" Hyejoo called me

"Get me a first aid kit" I told her before going to the other room where Heejin is.

I opened the door and saw Haseul-unnie, Jiwoo-unnie, Jungeun-unnie, Jinsoul-unnie, Chaewonie, Yeojinie, Yerim-ah, Heejin and Minju.

I made my way to Minju and cupped her face. I knelt in front of her and she just smiled at me.

"Does it hurt?"

"I'm fine unnie" she said and I shook my head.

"No you're not" she then burst into tears

"Shhh don't cry, okay?" I took off my coat and handed it to Haseul-unnie.

"Here unnie" Hyejoo entered the room and hand me the first aid kit.

I finished treating Minju's wound and put all the things back to the kit. Her tears start falling to her cheeks again and I wipe it immediately.

"Stop crying" I said and she cried harder.

"I'm sorry unnie I didn't mean to ruin your day" I just chuckled and ruffled her hair. Such a cry baby

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