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Hyunjin's POV

I bow my head to the client before they leave and I just sat back on the couch. That client is so fond of alcohol so he decided to held the meeting here in a bar. I'm glad that the meeting went well and he signed the contract.

I got out of the VIP room and go downstairs. I asked for a shot of tequila and sat on the chair in front of the counter. The bartender gave me my drink and I quickly drink it with one gulp.

"You know that you're not supposed to drink, right?" a girl sat beside me and I smiled at her

"You won't tell Heejin, right?"

"Only if you buy me a drink" she said and I chuckled. I ordered two shots of tequila and gave the other one to her.

"Cheers Aeongie" we drank it and I looked at her. She looks like she already drink before seeing me here.

"Anyways, what are you doing here Jindori?" she put the slice of lemon away from her mouth and pointed the envelop in her bag

"I met some clients here" I nodded and asked for a bottle of soju. I pour her a drink and she gladly drink it.

"I didn't know it was so tiring to run a company" I chuckled as I look at her.

"I still need to find new models for our next magazine" I pat her back and smile at her

"You can do it unnie" I drink as I cheer her up

"We should not drink too much" she said as she took another shot of soju

"Yeah, I have a board meeting tomorrow morning" I said and pour another drink. We drink as we talk and didn't notice that we already drink too much.

I opened my eyes and saw unfamiliar room. I sat up and saw another person on the other couch. I held my head as I feel my head aching.

"Fuck I will never gonna drink again" I realized that I'm in the VIP room and Jinsoul-unnie is here too. I stand up and lightly kicked her legs.

"Wake up unnie" I tried waking her up

"5 more minutes Jungie" she mumbled and I slap her arms hard.

"OUCH YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" she shouted as she sat up

"Oh my god where are we?" she looked around

"We're here at the bar's VIP room" I said and glance at my watch

"WHAT?" it's already 11AM. I have a meeting at 8AM! I search for my phone in my pocket and I saw 108 missed calls and 56 messages

"Oh my god" the 103 missed calls are from Heejin while the other 5 are from Soyeon-unnie. I called Soyeon back and she pick it up after three rings

"What happened to the meeting?" I asked

"I asked Ms Yerim to come here and I told them that you're sick boss" I let out a sigh of relief

"Thank Soyeonie" I hung up and look at Jinsoul-unnie. She's looking at her phone with her eyes wide open

"Jungeun's gonna kill me" she said and I remember that Heejin called me many times. For sure I'm dead too

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