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3rd person's POV

Ms. Choi followed her husband and told the girls to just continue eating.

They're talking about random stuffs while eating. Heejin noticed that Hyunjin became silent also Yerim and Hyejoo.

"Are you okay babe?" she look at Hyunjin worriedly. Hyunjin forced a smile and nod her head.

"I know there's something bothering you, what is it?" she held Hyunjin's hand and caress it. Hyunjin put down her chopstick and sighed.

"Ms. Son..." the girls stopped talking and look at her

"She tried to kill me when I was five" she said and the girls were shookt.

"W-what? Are you serious?" she asked

"Yeah... She also left Yerim in an abandoned house when we were kindergarten" that explains why the two seems nervous and scared when Chaewon said that Hyejoo's mother came to visit her daughter.

"She pushed me off a bridge causing me to fall down to a river... Luckily someone saw me and saved me" Hyunjin breath out

"That's why dad sent her to New York" the girls were still shookt

"Unnie, Yerimie I'm sorry" Hyejoo said and Hyunjin shook her head

"It's not your fault" Hyunjin said and rub the girl's back. Heejin just look at her worriedly, Hyunjin noticed it and kiss her wife's hand.

"Don't worry, I still have seven lives left. Cat has nine lives, remember?" she said and smiled widely. Heejin chuckled and nodded.

"Gross" Sooyoung whispered

"You're just jealous babe. Come here" Jiwoo opened her arms and hugged Sooyoung then pecked her lips.

Hyejoo and Chaewon act like they're gonna throw up. Sooyoung glare at them but they just laugh.

"Aish these kids" Haseul said and Vivi feed her. Haseul smiled and cup her girlfriend's face. They slowly lean in and Yeojin covered her eyes.

"Eww" she said and Yerim giggled. She remove Yeojin's hands from her eyes and kiss the younger girl's nose.

"Omo you're blushing Yeojinie" Hyunjin teased and Yeojin became redder

"I am not!" Yeojin shouts and hid behind Yerim.

"You're so cute baby" Yerim said and pinch Yeojin's cheeks.

"H-hey s-stop it" Yeojin's face and ears are so red, making the older girls laugh.

Hyunjin's POV

I place my head on Heejin's shoulder and just smile at my sister and Yeojin being sweet.

My smile disappeared and when I remember what Ms. Son did to me. I close my eyes and try to shook it off. I felt a pair of lips against my forehead and I opened my eyes.

It's Jiwoo-unnie, she smiled at me and pats my back. I smiled back at her and she snake her hands around my waist.

"She's being unfaithful again" I heard Sooyoung-unnie said and I stick my tongue out at her. She scoffed and go to Jindori.

"She's gonna flirt with Jinsoul-unnie again" Jiwoo-unnie said and I just chuckled

"If she does then don't let her sleep in your room. Make her sleep on the couch so she'll learn her lesson, right Aeongie?" Heejin said and Jiwoo-unnie chuckled

"I'll take note of that Heejinie"

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