Chapter 23 ~ Trust Me

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You aparate to outside Hogwarts and drag your stuff in. You pass the doors to see Dumbledore smiling brightly at you.

"Well (y/n), the paperwork has all gone through" he said.

You look at him confused. "Paperwork?"

"Yes, you can share a room with Severus. Seeing as you updated your residency to be at Spinner's end."

"Oh, I see" you smile "Well, Thank you"

Dumbledore winked "Severus' rooms are large enough aren't they?"

"oh yeah," you grin and walk down to his rooms.

You grin and hear the door open, Severus comes in and smiles down.

"Dumbledore is such an old matchmaker" you giggle.

Severus smirks at this and with magic puts his stuff into the draws and shelves.

"Should we go up to the feast (y/n)?" he asked, taking your hand.

"Yes" you say, giving him a kiss.

Walking out the room you sit on the table for the feast.

You sit next to this pink woman, Umbridge... From your dream and when you worked in the ministry.

"Oh hello. (y/n)" Umbridge giggled.

"Hello Deloris" you put on a fake smile and turn to Severus.

The feast went on smoothly and Dumbledore introduced the new teachers. Which was the point that Umbridge got up and did her speech. Severus looked at you with a mixture of confusion and disgust at that Umbridge was talking about.

She goes and sits back next to you and you smile faikly at her before turning to listen what else Dumbledore was saying.

Umbridge started her evaluation of the school, and soon it became your turn. You had tried to be as nice as possible to her but you always knew she hated you. Probably because you had worked with muggles.

You just started the lesson when Umbridge came in she smirked and you stopped reading from the textbook.

"Carry on" Umbridge squeaks and you death stare at her before carrying on.

"Just a moment" Umbridge squealed "are you using the ministry approved textbooks?"

"Yes" you say.

"But out of date?"

"Yes, I like to use all the textbooks for the largest amount of knowledge possible" you explain, staring at Umbridge.

"Carry on then" she squeaked.

You started again reading from the textbook.

Umbridge squealed again and looked at her again. "what is your relationship with Professor Snape?" she squeaked.

"We are friends" you stammer.

"Good friends?" she looked at your file. "Seeing as you live on the same address and" she giggled "and sleep in the same room?"

"I would prefer if we don't talk about my relationships in front of my class" you squeak "it is not a concern of them"

"But its a concern of mine," Umbridge said. "I don't want the teachers to be a bad example for the students"

"I keep my relationships very private" you hiss at her. "I would see it inappropriate to discuss my private life with students."

Umbridge giggles. "Well then," she said before walking out.

"Class dismissed" you hiss, angry and storm down to Severus' office.

Severus sat, marking assessments and looked up at you.

"She had to go and ask about us in the middle of my lesson" you hissed.

"She?" he asked.

"You know who" you hiss "Umbridge"

"Oh yes" he said.

"The nosy little bitch" you say "God. Couldn't she just go away"

Severus raises his eyebrows.

"She will be questioning you next."

"Calm down" Severus said simply

"Calm down?! she will have me fired. Remember my dream. She said "I'm sorry. But you're being replaced"

"It was just a dream," Severus said.

"Why are you being so calm about this?" you ask

"Because we need to keep on her good side" he hissed "He who shall not be named has plans for her. I'm not sure what. But he does. If he returns to power. We need to be at least on okay terms"  You nod. "Trust me" Severus says softly.

"I do, I trust you with my life" you murmur.

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