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Nic's P.O.V

I woke up next to John. He was sound asleep with his arms wrapped  around me. I buried my head into his chest. God he smelled so good. I shut my eyes and pretend to be asleep when I felt him move. 

He pressed me closer locked into his arms. I felt like it was the safest place on earth. He run his hand on my hair. I gently opened my eyes pretending i just woke up.

"Good morning love."
He said gazing into my eyes.

I smiled back at him unaware of my exposed breast under my untied robe.

He fixed my robe to cover my breast looking away. His face turned red. He immediately stood up carrying me in his arms. He placed me down the couch taking a glimpse of his watch.

"I need to go to base.
Meet you later okay?"


I yawned rubbing my eyes.
He kissed me on my forehead and went home.

I decided to go upstairs back to my room and have some more sleep when suddenly the doorbell rang.

I chuckle and bit my lips, thinking John might have forgot something or has something to say.

I rushed into the door feeling butterflies in my stomach.

I said to my surprise.

"I saw John walked out of this house. Would you like to explain?"

He said narrowing his eyebrows as he got inside.

"He uh mm.? He asked me something? "

"Is that all?"
He said again giving me a Malicious giving me another chance to tell the truth but the doorbell rang saving me from his interrogation.

He immediately went to answer the door. Tough luck it was John. God! I'm so dead and busted!

"Daniel can I talk to Nicky"

"What for?"
My grandpa snapped.

John looked confused for a sudden, when my grandpa started to be nosy not knowing we're relatives since I told him Daniel was my friend instead of a relative.

"Doesn't matter.
You don't need to know."
He replied sounding pissed.

"Yes I need to know cause she my cousin and I'm in charge of taking care of her."

My grandpa replied.

"Cousin? I thought you  were just friends. Sorry I didn't know. With all due respect sir, I would like to take her out for movies later."

John said backing down from what he said earlier. My heart danced in joy at the same time tensed for their confrontation.


My grandpa yelled pretending I wasn't at the back of the door over hearing their conversation.

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