Chapter 49: Rhiannon Rose and Phoenix Aiden

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Chapter 49: Rhiannon Rose and Phoenix Aiden

((( thanks to @ChaosOfInsanity for helping me think of a great middle name <33 ))

•Jinxx's P.O.V:

"We need to get to the hospital now," I say jumping up.

Ella grabs her keys, "My car. Everyone there. Now!" She says as we all jump in.

I'm crying the entire drive there.

•Andy's P.O.V:

"Are you her friend?" One of the drivers of the ambulance asks me.

I nod my head, "Cmon," she says and we climb in.

She puts an oxygen mask over Alex's face and Alex holds her hand out to me.

I take her hand, "Andy," she says then coughs. "Sammi......' She says with pain in her eyes.

After 5minutes we get to the hospital and I never leave her side.

They stop me outside the or, "This is as far as you can come sir. Please wait," he says.

I retreat to the waiting room. And the rest come in.

I glare at Sammi, "What is She doing here?" I ask angrily as I point at her. I know Sammi had something to do with this.

"Couldn't just leave her," Jinxx answers.

•Alex's P.O.V:

"My babies?" I ask the nurse who's wheeling me into the OR.

She smiles at me, "They'll be just fine I promise. But we do need to do an emergency delivery. The impact of the crash broke your water," she says.

Once I get into a hospital gown that same nurse positions herself at the front of the bed, "Now push," she says.

I push for about 15minutes and I hear a cry and happy tears flood my eyes, "It's a Girl," she says as a neonatal nurse wraps her in a blanket and walks off with her.

I push for another 15minutes and I hear another cry, and happy tears flood my eyes once Again, "It's a boy," she says as a different neonatal nurse comes and gets him.

"You can get changed into your clothes again once we clean you up," the nurse says smiling.

"Okay," I croak out.

She cleans all of the glass shards from my hair, and I get bandages on my arms and legs. Stupid glass.

Once that's over Nurse Sally I know that's her name because she told me, Nurse Sallg helps me back into my clothes.

"Okay Miss Alex. I'm going to help you into a wheel chair so I can bring you up to your room," she says before lifting me into the chair.

"Nurse Sally......" I say as I start to panic, "I can't breathe," I say as tears leak out of my eyes.

She stops the wheel chair and kneels in front of it, she takes my blood pressure, "That's not good," she says as she picks up a radio out of her pocket, "We need a nurse down corridor 27. We have a code Maroon," she says.

She looks back at me, "You're going to be just fine," she says as I get a pain in my chest.

I can't help it, I scream.

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