Chapter 9

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Adlela POV.

Time Skip

I watched the Fire Works,  and I started to count down

"3, 2, 1, and the real fireworks has begun" I said, watching the attack go on, I just couldn't help but smile, than I heard a voice and it was a ghost of my mother

"Look what you've become" Said my Mother

"Like you were ever there for me" I spat out

"I never wanted-" Said my mother but I intterputed 

"never wanted me to become a murder,  that's what you get for hooking up with a sith," I spat out, and she disappeared,

I ran on the rooftops of the Naboo building, than I saw the whole team in handcuffs and Boba, than Doku commed me 

"Daughter of Sidious, leave Naboo right now" Said Doku. I wanted to protest but it was a order, 

I turned off my Com and started to make my way to my ship, I walked in the streets of Naboo

"I really hate my fucking life some times" I said, but I made it to the Landing pad and there was ASH waiting for me

"Beep beep Bop" Ash said
Lemme guess it failed

"Yep, let's go home and have a Drink" I said

I walked into the cockpit and started to fly the ship, and got transmisson

"Please State your name" Said a Clone

i wasn't expecting this, think fast THINK FAST. GUN SHOTS, POLITCAN, 

"Aaron Burr, Sir"

"Your free to go Aaron Burr, sir" Said the Clone 

I went into hyper space

"BEEP bop" beeped Ash
Who the fuck is Aaron Burr?

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