Chapter 37: Unresolved Conflict

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*Song: Another Day by Paul McCartney*



Kenna notices Leah from the other side of the cafeteria, sitting alone. Kenna was also sitting alone because she wasn't very much liked at school. She was known as the rich, snobby girl who tries too hard. Over the years she hasn't ever really had friends and when she would get them, her relationships with them wouldn't last long. At home she wasn't really taught how to care about other people, only herself. Like her parents she is very selfish and only thinks about herself, not that she knows any different. She wants to have friends so she doesn't feel so alone all the time. She walks across the lunch room to the girl who's afraid of her own shadow, Leah Davis. Leah has a hard time making friends because of how shy she is. She's never really had friends, she is kind of a loner. But in Kenna's eyes that's perfect because she is too. They can be loners together. No one really knows why Leah doesn't talk to anyone but Kenna is bound to find out. Kenna makes it to Leah's table and sits across from her. Kenna notices that Leah is very pretty and would have so much potential if she would stop wearing baggy sweaters and leggings.

"Hi, I'm Kenna," Kenna announces, making Leah look up from whatever book she was reading at the time. "And I know, you're Leah."

"Yeah," is all that Leah says. Leah's foot begins to tap rapidly and her palms begin to sweat.

"So I noticed you were sitting here alone and I don't know if you noticed but I was sitting over there alone," Kenna says, pointing to the other side of the lunch room. "I was wondering if you would potentially want to be my friend. We can go through this whole high school thing together, you know have each other's backs."

Leah just stares at Kenna like she has ten heads. Contemplating what her answer will be. As out of the loop as Leah is, she knows Kenna's reputation. She flicks her green eyes back and forth between Kenna's blue ones.

"So what do you say Leah? Want to be friends? I can even help you, you know be less shy." Kenna says.

"Sure, I-I guess being friends wouldn't hurt," Leah says.

"We should do something tonight, I mean it's a Friday night. Do you want to have a sleepover?" Kenna asks.

"Friends aren't allowed at my house," Leah says.

"Then we'll have it at mine, my house has plenty of room. My parents are away too so we could stay up for as long as we wanted," Kenna offers.

"I'm not allowed to hang out with people Kenna," Leah admits.

"What? Why? Are you like being held captive or something?" Kenna jokes.

Little does Kenna know in a way, Leah is being held captive. She's afraid of anything and everything, fearing the wrath of her father. Her father tells her she isn't good enough to have friends and Leah believes him. Why would a father tell his daughter that if it wasn't true?

"No I'm not being held captive, I would rather not talk about it," Leah says as the bell rings.

"Okay, well here's my number. Just text me when you want to hang out. I'm free anytime," Kenna says, handing Leah a little piece of paper ripped from one of her notebooks.

Leah went home that day with that piece of paper folded into her folder. She walks into her room that has one Beatles poster on her wall that she bought at the store a week earlier. She sits down on her bed and considers calling Kenna. She just wants to be normal, someone who can have friends. She's just afraid of what her father may think and what he might do when he finds out. She decides to call Kenna and say yes to the sleepover. Kenna texts Leah her address. Leah looks at the jar on her desk that has one single sunflower in it.

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