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I sheathed one of my blades and began walking away from Benimaru and a good indication to telling him that this little battle he wanted was over, especially since he now accrued an unwanted payment to the swordsmith of Asakusa. I pushed my hair back out of annoyance and began walking away from the man.

Weaving through the town's streets towards where I remembered the swordsmith to be. Asakusa hadn't changed at all after all. I turned the corner to see the only man who was able to repair the damage still in business considering not many people use swords during this era.

Also, I didn't need to look back to know that Benimaru was following me. Guess some habits really do die hard for some people.

I pushed the Noren of his shop to the side and walked up to his store's counter as she met eye to eye with the swordsmith. He turned around and smiled.

"So the rumors in this town are true," he commented until his eyes averted towards the blade in my hand and replaced his somewhat calmed expression with an annoyed one, "The hell happened!"

"The Destroyer of Asakusa here is what happened," I replied while pointing at Benimaru to hear him stifle a breath. The swordsmith looked in his direction and glared him down, "Honestly, it's like you guys never grew up."

"Can you fix it?" I questioned will ignoring his last comment.

"Yeah, but the material of this sword is hard to find so it will take a good three months at least," he replied while inspecting the damage even more.

"Fine," I replied as I turned around exiting the shop while pushing my hair back. Honestly, the hell was his problem and now I was down a weapon because of him. Why was he such a pest? Maybe if I "die" again he will leave me alone.

"Inori," Benimaru called only for me to ignore him. I honestly had it with him...

"he is such a drag..."


I stopped walking and side glare Benimaru. Honestly, it was getting annoying to have him following me everywhere-borderline obsessed.

"You just don't know when to quit don't you?" I questioned, "Fine, let's talk. Even though, I believe there is nothing to talk about."

Benimaru quirked an eyebrow and gave a small smirk as he turned around and began walking. Guess it was his way of asking me to follow him, but then again this is Benimaru-apathetic, lazy, and short-tempered. I silently followed behind him, giving him much space needed. It was quite a reminder of the time Benimaru forced me to go out with him to get BBQ only this time our positions changed.

"You know, there is enough space on this road for the two of us," Benimaru stated.

"Don't push your luck," I warned.

He was lucky I was actually following him for this lone awaited talk that I knew was going to happen. I mean I did everything so abruptly back then but wouldn't you have done it if you had the perfect opportunity and the leader of the brigade you wanted to join was pushing you to do it.

I looked down at the road towards Benimaru's shoes while remaining in thought. It was just intriguing how much time had passed between us and yet, just as that sword-smith stated, nothing really changed between us. I expected Benimaru to be married already with kids of his own and yet he claimed that he wasn't. Maybe I am dead set on the idea of him being married to that piece of trash who claims to be his wife?

The sound of crunching under my feet brought my back to reality. I looked around and my eyes slightly widen. It was like being ripped away from this reality we all live in and placed in a utopia.The secret garden features more of trees than flowers, however just imagine how beautiful it is on a perfect autumn foliage. In summer season, there are a lot of lotus flowers are in bloom on a pond. The sea of colors that filled this place was astounding. Though it was autum here, it brought my back to the time of spring when my feelings erupted and I confessed to Benimaru, reassuring him that he actually had won my heart. Was this is plan of trying to invoke the same feelings from last time...because it was working, but I just couldn't give him the satisfaction.

That night he made the decision for me to not join him and Kanro was the night I had to kill my feelings for him and follow my dream. If I acted on my feelings for him, I feel as though I would only be held back by him just as he did years ago.

"If I had let you fight that night and helped that boy's father, would you have remained in Asakusa?" Benimaru asked bluntly.

"It may have prolonged my departure from this place," I answered, "I still would have left."

"Why?" Benimaru grimaced out of anger.

"You know why," I answered back.

"How did you get Konro to lie for you?" Benimaru questioned.

"I didn't get him to lie for me, he did it because he knew how much I wanted to fight against Infernals, if anything he encouraged me to leave when he saw Akira, Ichijiro, and I broken," I said, "That night you did much more than prevented me from fighting...I know that Infernal was the one who turned Akira's father to a crisp but yet in my head, I blamed you and to this day, I still blame you."

Even though this was harsh, he needed to hear this. I mean after all he was the one who wanted to talk things out so why not lay everything on the table and looking at him from where he stand, and he wasn't sad or broken. Oh no, he was looking at me while he was getting heated as his expression hardened.And from his expression, I could see that he was determined...which was a bit questioning. From the way he was looking at me though, it was kind of like the way Akitaru often did when we had went on dates and I had to dress up...as if he was drinking me in. He leans back, bit his lip, and studied me over.

"You probably would have rejected me if I had asked you to marry me that night..." Benimaru mumbled.

"Most likely," I assured as I turned my head away from his stature, "Now, if you don't have anymore questions, I need head back before my house is destroyed by my team members."

I turned around and began to walk away only to stop the moment I heard Benimaru ask, "Why Akitaru?"

I quirked a eyebrow at his question. I knew I said too much when Akitaru asked me about an Asakusa tradition ...but he should of brushed it off...or maybe he picked up something when Akitaru changed my bandage...wait! Was that why he took me back to his home also known as my old home...was he actually jealous?! Now this was rich.

"I know you have a fetish for older men," he began causing me to hold my breath as his accusation, "But how did you get with the likes of Obi, Akitaru...and from the way you guys interacted...it seems as if he got a first from you."

My eyes widen as how much information he just said to me. How the hell was he able to get that from one interaction.

"Goodbye," I said coldly as I turned around and headed towards the direction of the gate causing Benimaru to chuckle lowly.

"No matter, it just going to push me to make sure that I win your hand and your heart," Benimaru said, "I won't lose you for a second time, Inori...I'll make sure of that."


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