Smallville High Reunion

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Lois: "Rise and shine, Smallville!"

(She jumped on the bed up and down, Clark groaned)

Clark: "Lois it's not even 7 yet."

Lois: "You're gonna want to be up bright and early today, farm boy! It's our Smallville High reunion today!"

Clark: "Our? Lois you showed up for about 5 classes."

Lois: "That's a record in my book! Come on Clark! It'll be great for us! It'll be a nice change back to normal after whatever the hell last week was."

Clark: "Well..there's a lot of memories there for me..I..I'm not sure."

Lois: "Well turn that frown upside down Skippy! Because we are going to this reunion together, even if I have to physically drag you there myself."

(Clark sighed and flopped back onto his pillow)

(Smallville Theme Plays)

(The Smallville High Reunion was taking place on Earth 1 since on Earth 2 graduation had been quite recent)

(Clark walked up the steps to his old high school as the memories washed over him)

Lana: "Hey guys!"

(She waved as she approached triggering a distant memory for Clark)

Lana: "Nietzsche. Didn't know you had a dark side, Clark."

Clark: "Doesn't everybody?"

Lana: "Yeah. I guess so. So what are you? Man or Superman?"

(Clark snapped out of the memory as Lois literally snapped in his face with her fingers)

Lois: "So remind me..this isn't the same Lana who got bippity boppity booped by the witch last week right?"

Clark: "Correct but she did get posessed by the witch a long time ago. So did you, actually."

Lois: "Oh that's right! I blocked that out."

Lana: "You two made it! It's great to see you!"

(Chloe ran up to them and gave everyone hugs with Oliver following behind)

Clark: "You guys are here too!"

Lois: "So I take it Ollie's your plus one eh cuz? I'm pretty sure I would've remembered him strutting around campus like he owns the place."

Oliver: "Very funny. Yeah I'm just tagging along. Thought it might be fun to see classic Smallville before I showed up."

Lana: "Wait so are you two together now?"

Lois: "Whaaat? Chlo, last I checked you were with Jimmy."

Chloe: "Well I was but then he dumped me 26 times in one weekend so I figured maybe it was time to move on."

Clark: "Understandable. Hey did you hear from Pete?"

Chloe: "I did. He's been chewing a lot of Kryptonite stride gum and acting super weird."

Clark: "Right. Well why don't we head inside?"

Oliver: "After you, Supes!"

(Lois, Chloe and Lana all shushed him at once)

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