A Battle For Justice

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(Brainiac burst out of the ceiling of Smallville High, carrying Superman and threw him into a gas station a few blocks away which exploded)

(He followed him down, searching for signs of him when Superman smacked into him with tremendous speed, he flew him straight up into the sky and punched him hard with both hands, sending him plowing into a corn field)

(Superman hovered above him ready to go back down when two portals opened up and dropped two Doomsdays on him, they grabbed him and the three of them fell straight through the ground of the corn field, the three of them locked in struggle underneath the Earth)

(As the guests of the Reunion evacuated the area, Oliver received a notification on his wrist watch)

Oliver: "Justice League business. Looks like Clark doesn't exactly 'got this' after all."

Lois: "Oh shut up Queen sized bed. I'm sure he just didn't want y'all to feel left out."

(Lois turned to Lex)

Lois: "That's right I said y'all!"

Oliver: "Ookay. Well I gotta go."

Chloe: "Be careful."

Oliver: "Always."

(They smooch)

(Oliver runs off)

Lois: "So what about Kara? Do we get Jor El to hit with her with some anti Brainiac repellent Krypton spray or something?"

Supergirl: "That won't be necessary, Lois."

(She hovered down to the group)

Lana: "Brainiac must have just shape shifted into Kara instead of infecting her."

Chloe: "Of course! That explains why she was acting weird enough to invite Lex!"

Lex: "Well..I'll take that as my cue to leave."

Lana: "Good."

Lex: "Honestly Lana I don't understand why you're still holding a grudge all these years. You didn't have to marry me you know."

Lana: "And you didn't have to fake my pregnancy, y'know."

Lois: "Right! But this is really off topic dudes. Let's bounce."

Chloe: "Where to?"

Lois: "Watchtower. We can keep track of my hot hubby from there and help communicate with the League."

Chloe: "Sounds like you oughta fill my shoes cuz."

Lois: "That's sweet of you Chlo but our foot wear styles do not mesh well."

(Superman launched out of the ground back onto the surface, Doomsday 1 and 2 leapt out after him, growling venomously)

(Superman heat visioned them in an attempt to make them back off but he couldn't hold them back for long)

(Luckily he didn't have to)

(Wonder Woman landed on one Doomsday while Batman unloaded the Bat Wing's artillery on the other)

(Green Arrow, Cyborg, Aquaman and The Flash arrived and helped Superman up)

Superman: "Took you long enough."

Flash: "I'd of been here quicker, amigo but these old foagies kept cramping my style."

Green Arrow: "What style? You used to be named Impulse, man."

Flash: "Yeah no The Flash is way cooler. Kinda like Superman's way better than The Blur."

Superman: "We can discuss our name changes later. Right now we've got Justice to serve."

Green Arrow: "I don't know how you get away with lines like that."

(Black Canary and Star Girl joined in as the Justice League fought both Doomsdays with everything they had)

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