Doomsday's Not Today

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(At Watchtower Lois, Lana and Chloe surveyed the battle)

Lois: "Woo hoo! Yeah! Kick their bony ass!"

Chloe: "Okay Lo, calm down this isn't a sports game."

Lana: "Come on Chloe just let her have this."

(The Battle raged when Supergirl arrived tackling one Doomsday and shooting straight up into the atmosphere as Superman did the same alongside her with the other Doomsday)

Supergirl: "I think Brainiac removed both Davis Bloome's from the creatures! So they'd be more unstoppable!"

Superman: "Then we don't have to feel too bad about doing..this!!"

(They threw both Doomsdays as hard as they could, they hurtled through space into the sun and were incinerated instantly)

Supergirl: "We still have to stop Brainiac."

Superman: "Hmm..there is one way to stop him I haven't tried before."

Supergirl: "What's that?"

(Brainiac picked himself up in the middle of the corn field when he heard two sonic booms above him, just as two shapes accelerated downward and got closer and closer to him)

(Brainiac just shrugged)

Brainiac: "Oh well at least I gave it an honest effort."

(Superman and Supergirl propelled into him with all of their strength which let off a massive shockwave to the surrounding area)

(The rest of the Justice League joined them as they dusted themselves off)

Green Arrow: "So you two didn't even need us then right?"

Supergirl: "Nonsense, Ollie. Someone had to distract them."

Green Arrow: "Oh. I see so we're just your lackeys then is that it? Maybe we rename it the Super Cousins with minor background attractive colorful costumed folks?"

Superman: "Don't be ridiculous, Oliver. That's a horrible name."

Cyborg: "He's right you know."

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