A Perfect Moment Cut Short

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(Clark and Lois swayed slowly to the music in the center of the dance floor, the mood in the room was very romantic and ethereal)

Lois: "I can't remember the last time things were this calm. We've been through so much wacky stuff in the last few years..I'm really glad we have this moment.."

Clark: "I couldn't agree more. I almost forgot what it felt like to just live in a single moment like this. And there's no one I'd rather share it with than you, Lois."

(Lois smiled deeply and then put her head down on Clark's chest, letting his warmth flow over her, protecting her from anything this world or any other could throw at them)

(Lana watched them from the side of the room, unable to not feel somewhat saddened)

Chloe: "I know that look. It's the same one I had when I saw you two at the prom."

Lana: "It's nothing. I'm happy for them..really."

Chloe: "Sure..but that doesn't mean you need to ignore your feelings. Trust me. I'm practically the master of pining after Clark Kent without him noticing."

Lana: "Clark and I are ancient history now.  I'd never stand in the way of his happiness..." (She turned her attention to Lex who was grinning while he talked to Kara)

Lana: "His happiness on the other hand..I'd really like to step on."

Chloe: "No kidding. Really why would Kara invite him? I know he's not quite as bad as he used to be but that doesn't mean I'd invite him to a party."

Lana: "Maybe Kara's not thinking straight...because she's not herself."

(Lana and Chloe shared a knowing look before rushing over to Kara and Lex)

Lana: "Kara we need to talk."

Kara: "Lana? What's wrong?"

Lex: "Come on Lana don't cause a scene."

Lana: "You stay out of this."

Chloe: "Yeah take a hike wet pants!" (She splashed the punch bowl on his crotch)

Lex: "...real mature."

(Kara screamed and turned into Brainiac)

(All the guests screamed and ran for their lives as Brainiac laughed evilly)

(Clark and Lois went up to stand with the others)

Lois: "Not this guy again! Haven't you kicked him to the curb like 7 times?"

Clark: "He never stays gone for long."

Lex: "Clark I swear I had no idea Kara was infected by Brainiac. I just thought she was being friendly."

Lois: "Yeah a little too friendly if you ask me."

(She gestured at his soaking wet pants)

Chloe: "Uh actually Lo..that is..unrelated."

Brainiac: "Kal El! You have no hope of stopping me this time."

Clark: "There's always hope. Especially when I'm around."

(He ripped off his suit and tie, revealing the Superman suit)

Lois: "...yup. I'm turned on."

Oliver: "Should I grab my arrows from the car?"

Superman: "That's okay, Oliver. I've got this."

(Brainiac chuckled but Superman tackled him through the wall and landed in the old pool, Clark remembered kissing Lana for the first time here..as well as other bizarre things)

(The water started to cause Brainiac's systems to go haywire but he seemed unphased)

Brainiac: "It doesn't matter what happens to me this time, Kal El. You'll be powerless to stop what's coming."

Superman: "And what is coming?"

Brainiac: "..Doomsday. Both of them."

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