Chapter 39

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Ch. 39

April's POV:

Everyone was silent on the way to Magcon. The only noise was the radio player, so it wasn't uncomfortable. Nash was laying his head on my shoulder.

We got their in 45 minutes. It was an old building, that had cracks on the side. When we got inside it was modern looking. It looked more newer than the outside that's for sure.

"Wow." Hannah said. She was standing right next to me.

"Wow is right." Aaron agreed with her.

"Ok so girls in one dressing room and boys in the other." Our manager said right as we all got in the door.

We nodded our heads and us girls went one way while our boys went the other way.

I am nervous. I have done this before. But what is coming for scary for me. I look in to the mirror and tell myself it's going to be fine. I can do this, I don't know why I am so nervous. I got up from the chair and went to go talk with the girls to just get it out of my mind for now.

"So. April, have you find your bridesmaid's yet?" Paris asked and the girls eyes went big.

"Uh no. But I do know some girls that would love to be bridesmaid's for me." I looked at all of them and they screamed. "Calm down!" We heard a knock on the door. We got up and it was the manager.

"Let's go girls. The boys are already up on stage." We all smiled and followed him till we got to back stage. I'm not really that nervous right now. I took a deep breath and the boys called us up and the fans went wild. I think I broke a eardrum.

Nash gave me the microphone and I took.

"Hello everyone." They were still screaming. 'April I love you!' Was all I heard. "I love you too." I said back.

"Ok so I have some news I need to tell you. And I would like to see how you react. Ok?" More and more screams came. I looked back at Cameron and he smiled. I looked at Nash and he looked puzzled. He looked over at Cameron and gave him a glare. I turned back around.

"So. I know you have heard rumors about Nash and I. The rumors are true. We are getting married." The all 'awed' and their was no 'boo's'. I looked back at Cameron and he gave me a thumbs up.

"Cameron and I, have been talking." Cam came up and stood right next to me. "Management has told Nash that if he gets married he no longer can be on this tour." The fans gasped and boo'ed. "I didn't like the idea of that at all. And neither did any of the other boys. Cameron came up with the idea of making a survey." Yeah it's an original idea, but we thought it would be the easiest so we could prove to management that fans care about nash and his decisions. Along with the fact that he is still one of the favs and that he loves what he does.

I turned around to find Nash smiling. I think he approves. I smiled back and nodded.

"This could either work. Or it can go down in flames. Either way Nash is still staying on this tour no matter what managment says." Cameron's voice beemed through the microphone and all the fans cheered in excitement. This stupid, easy, original, and cheesy idea might work.

Im surprised managment hasn't came to kick us off the stage. It seems to me that they have changed minds, but we're still doing the surveys. I want to see what the fans think of Nash and I to be honest.

"Well. I know you guys might think that there is so many other ways to settle this. But Cameron just wanted something easy." I tensed up a bit when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and it was Nash. He took the microphone.

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