Chapter 3

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Hey everyone. I hope everything is going well. I put more details in this book than anything. So bare with me. I should have told ya'll this before but this book has no sexual content. Just some kissing maybe more. But anyways, I hope u guys enjoy the book. I'm also editing, a few. While I wrote this part, I was watching Twilight, Part 2 of Breaking dawn. Its my first time watching it(embarrasing). Oh well, Now here is the third chapter:*

Ch. 3

Nash's POV:

I woke up next morning with a snoring girl right next to me. I chuckled lightly at the sound of it. I rolled over and flicked her in the cheek. She groaned and then sat up and slapped me in the face.

"OW!" That hurt.

"Why did you flick me?" She asked angrily.

"Because your man snoring woke me up!" I started to laugh, a little. My cheek still hurt. Man, that girl has a mean slap.

"I do not man snore! If anything its very lady like snoring!" I started to laugh so hard my stomach hurt.

"Will u two shut up!" Hayes said from the couch. Oops, if anything Hayes' hates waking up in the morning.

He groaned and got up from the couch and jumped on top of both of us.

"Hayes get off of us!" Me and April said at the same time.

"NOOOO!" He started tickling us and I fell off the bed. They both started laughing and jumped off the bed and on top of me. This is not how I wanted the morning to go. April was the first off of me and went towards the bathroom. I followed after her.

"So what does one pretty girl like you want to do for the next two weeks?" I asked with polite manner.

"Psh, please your such a flirt." Wow. "If anything i'll be in my room for the next two weeks maybe the whole summer. But if u would like to do something with just me, like you said, than fine. Now let me get ready for the day. I hear were going to San Fransico." She sounds excited. But what did she mean by staying in her room the whole summer? The only meaning to that is depression...

"Sounds like fun to me, as long as your coming. Can't wait-" Before I could finish she slammed the door in my face. Oh boy, this could be an interesting two weeks. Now, I just have to figure out a way to get her to like me, how I like her.

**Aprils POV:**

God he's annoying, and really flirty! But maybe I should just go along with it and do the same? Maybe. I took off my clothes and got into a quick shower. I got out, wrapped myself in a towel and got out of the bathroom...

"Shit, Nash can you get out real quick please, i'm like naked over here!" I asked embarrased.

"Eh, I don't mine, but ok fine." He stared at me with a smirk and got out of my room. I have to admit, I remember that he walked in on me when I was naked and taking a poo when we were six. I do remember that. But now, it's embarrasing. I know I was covered but still.

I got dressed and went upstairs to the kitchen. Everyone was awake and eating. Not everyone was fully dressed yet.

"Hey hunny. How did you sleep?" My mom asked then glanced over at nash, who was smiling, then back at me.

"Good, I got flicked in the cheek, thats how I woke up." I said kinda angrily but chuckled.

"Hey! You woke me up by snoring then you smacked me in the face!" I knew he would say something. Everyone chuckled at what he said.

"April that is no way to treat your guest!" I saw that smirk come across his face, and I stuck my tongue out at him. Mrs. Grier was still chuckling quietly, and I started joining in a little. Nash got up from eating his breakfast and went behind me and smacked my butt. I tensed up a bit but looked at him with my own smirk plastered on my face as he went to my room to get ready. Jerk.

**Hour Later**

Everyone was ready, and we all pilled into the big van. I sat between the two boys again...gosh darn. Oh well. Nash took selfies and Hayes was making a vine. Oh well thats cool.

"Want to take some selfies?" Nash asked.

"Why not?" I shrugged and took some with my phone as well. I posted some on twitter than on Instagram. I got lots of comments. Everyone was jealous and of hate. Haha. I just was laughing at the sight of it. But it also hurt. But it didn't bother me at all. I was just excited to have some fun today.

We decided to stop at the Golden Gate Bridge and walk half way across then come back. Taking even more selfies and family/friend Photos. Of all of us together. Once we were done I noticed that in one photo Nash was right next to me and his arm was wrapped around my shoulder and he was staring right at me, with a smile on his face. A smile even grew on my face.

The day went on, and there were some annoying fans girls that came running up to him asking for autographs. God, they were fake and annoying. He looked like he was enjoying himself so I walked on.

**Nash's POV:**

Fans were swarming all over the place. But someone was missing, April...Where did she go. Shit.

"Um, excuse me ladies, sorry I have to go find MY lady." What! It was true, to me. I ran to go catch up to everyone, and she wasn't with them.

"Excuse me Mrs. and Mr. Winston." They turned around and nodded. "Where's april?"

"Oh hun, call me Sara." Her mom said.

"And call me John." Her dad said as well.

"Oh ok, I will, but do you know where she is?" I asked nerviously.

"oh hunny, she went to the bathroom then headed towards Baker Beach." Oh. Interesting.

"Oh ok, i'm gonna find her and see if she's ok."

"Ok" They both nodded and told me to meet them after I found her.

I saw her sitting on top of a rock when I got there. She was really pretty when her hairs was flowing in the wind. Very pretty. I went up to her and covered her eyes.

"Ahhhh, get off of me!!" She was screaming at this point. I started to laugh and uncovered her eyes and sat in front of her.

"Ugh. You are not funny...Loser." Hurtful. I held my hand to my heart and gave her a pout. She started to giggle a little.

"That hurt my dear lady." My hand still to my heart. She was laughing even more, and she was laughing so hard that she fell off and landed on top of me. Wow her eyes were so beautiful. Ocean blues eyes, just like mine.

"Oh sorry, my fault." She got up off me blushing like crazy.

"No its fine, I liked it." With a smile on my face. I got up and held her hand and told her we should get going. She blushed again at the sight of her hand with-in mine. She smiled and nodded and we both walked back to meet up with everyone else. I can tell u this now, I have never been so protective over someone like this. April was amazing and different from any other girl. I liked it.

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