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Jessica's POV:

In the limo, I sit between Jaden and Josh, and on the other side Bryce, Anthony and Griffin sit. "So why are your instagrams weird" Jaden asks. "Ask Bryce" Josh mumbles obviously mad. I rub his arm and Jaden whispers in my ear, "is this about you". I nod and lay my head on Josh's shoulder. "Josh is just dramatic" Bryce says rolling his eyes. "I'm dramatic?! You tried to fucking rape Jess" Josh yells. Everyone looks at Bryce shocked, "Josh stop" I whisper. Bryce rolls his and leans back. "Like I said, dramatic" The car ride was silent, no one knew what to say. We stayed quiet until we got to Texas. "15 hours of fucking silence" Bryce says when we arrive at the house well be staying at. We get our suitcases and get greeted by Taylor and some of his friends. "Hey, you must be Jessica" Taylor says hugging me. "I am" I say smiling. "Alright well, we have two rooms left so your gonna have to share a room with one of the sway boys." Taylor says. "That's fine" I say. He smiles and walks away. "Wanna share a room with me" I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Bryce. "No i'm good" I say showing a fake smile. I turn around and walk away.

Bryce's POV:
Why would I even try to fucking talk to her. She's probably pissed. I'll find a way to forgive me.

Jessica's POV:

I walk inside and was greeted by the rest of sway. "Hey" I say walking to the group. "Hey" Griffin says. "We are trying to figure who is gonna share rooms and whos gonna be solo" Anthony says. "I can share a room with someone" I say. "I'll stay with you" Josh says putting an arm around me. I smile, "thank you" Griffin whispers to me. I laugh and nod. "So did we figure out where we are staying" Bryce says going in the middle of me and Josh. "Yea.. you have your own room" Anthony says awkwardly. "Alright" Bryce says smiling. We all go up to our room and get ready for bed since we did have a long ass car ride. "So do you wanna use the bathroom first" I ask awkwardly. "Nah go ahead, I'm just gonna get changed" He says, his Canadian accent coming out a bit. I smile and grab all the things I needed and went to the bathroom.

I let the warm water run down my body. I smile to myself realizing how much I like Josh. I quickly snap out of it and actually shower.

After about, 30 minutes, I finish showering. I get changed and do my skin care.


I walk out, completely forgetting to cover my scars

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I walk out, completely forgetting to cover my scars. I feel Josh's eyes on me. I turn towards the boy,  "I'm sorry, is it to short? I can go change if you want" I say frantically, heading towards my suitcase. "No, No you look perfect" He says getting up.   He walk over to me and takes my to the bathroom. He hugs me from behind and looks into the mirror. "You are absolutely perfect, inside and out" he whispers in my ear. I blush and smile, "Do you understand, I don't want you felling any less than you are" he says facing me. I nod, knowing I was lying. "Jess, I'm sorry but I really need to ask again, I really like you. Like really fucking like you, can we go like on a real date." He asks me. "I really like you" I say smiling. He smiles, "okay I'm going to bed I'm fucking tired." I say. He laughs and walks behind me. We both lay down and I immediately fall asleep.


Thank you so much for over 2k views. That's fucking crazy. I never thought my story would even get more than five views tbh. Thank you for liking my dumb story. Also thank you to the ones that have been voting. ❤️❤️❤️

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