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Jessica's POV:

"Hey Jess, whats goin on" Kio asks me. I'm currently cleaning my room, just dont want to leave them with a messy room y'know. "Nothing, just finally deciding to clean why" I ask. "Nothing, i guess i'm not used to it" He says walking into the room. "I know me either but, i'm tired of just sitting and being depressed all day" I say looking at him.  "oo A breakup glow up" Kio says. "No not really" I say. "Well, i'm still here for it. Good luck" He says walking out of the room. I smile, i kinda feel bad, he literally just told me good luck on killing myself. 




 thank you so much for sticking by me. You'll never know how much you mean to even after everything. Do me a favor and get back together with Addi, it was a dumb fight and you two deserve each other. Also, happy very early 21st birthday.  

Much love, Jessica 


Hey weirdo, thank you so much for never giving up on me. You did your best and i thank you for that; So many people dont even try. I love you and get that dog you always wanted, you deserve it. 

Much love, Jess


Hello love, will you also do me a favor and please get help. Your struggling and thats okay, please open up to someone, release all the beautiful music you make and keep making people happy. You mean so much to so many people, also get back with Mads, you were so happy with her and i can tell you both hate being away from each other. I love you

Much love, Jess


Hey, i know we dont spend that much time together but just wanted to let you know to keep being you. And keep making Avani happy. You two are seriously the cutest couple ever. 



I never knew i'd grow this much love for you dix. You are seriously the best person. Also do that remix you've been thinking about, everyone will love it. I love you, never forget that. and tell the girls that too. 

Much love, Jess


Thank you. Honestly thats it. You have no idea how many times you've saved me. I know we havent talked in a while. I love you to the moon and back and i always will. You mean the world to me and i can never repay you. I really hope the best for you and Ness, you both are amazing people and I truly think you both will get far in life. You have made me and millions of other people happy. Also do that thing you always wanted to do, i know what your thinking and yes do it. Also go visit your family, they miss you. I'm so sorry Joshy, I really am, I couldnt do it anymore and I couldnt bring myself to talk to someone,I broke our promise and i'm so sorry about it.  I love you. Always and forever

Much love, Jess <3


I quickly lock my door, and go my bathroom, my razors in hand and a bottle of pills in my other. 

'Okay, but do we really wanna overdose'

'I think cutting is better but i'm not the one doing it'

I take fifteen pills and start cutting. The warm blood running down my arms, I dont know why its so satisfying, but it is so I keep going. 

Third person POV:

She  keep going until she finally drop onto the floor, she keep going until she completely blacks out. And now there she is, laying on her bathroom floor, thinking no one would come up and help her. 


I'm sorry but this is how i'm ending it. Thank you for 13k reads thats a lot. Let me know if you want a sequel and uh yeah. Thank you so much to the ones voting and commenting. I literally love reading the comments even if its the most weirdest thing i still love reading them. Much love <3

Word count: 696

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