Game well played

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Nico once again found himself in the interrogation room, sitting across Nick Fury, a plain metal table in between them. He wondered how he'd broach the subject, it certainly couldn't be as simple as telling them he was a wannabe avenger. He gagged mentally at the thought, why were they called avengers anyway? They could've called themselves Trailblazers, world watch or Infantry of the wronged but here they were, Avengers. It did make sense though and he really should pull himself together for this one, why the avengers were called the avengers wasn't the most relevant thing here. 

Nick Fury was merely staring at Nico in silence, waiting for a response, which Nico supposed he better start giving. The gods had told him he had to work with them but they never did tell him how to go about it and Nico figured that the truth was the way to go. It wasn't really upto him if they believed him or tried dumping him in an asylum, and he could always shadow travel if things got to that. " I'm  not a terrorist, but there are higher powers at work here and I can try being as honest as I can without putting those like me in danger so long as you keep an open mind Mr. eh Fury, now what do you think of Gods existing?" Nico asked. 

Nico was surprised to know that Thor worked with these mortals and was in fact a part of these 'Avengers'. This made things a lot more simple. He leaned forward, looking at Fury straight in the eye whilst telling him that Asgardians weren't the only gods around. He went on to tell Nick Fury that the Greek and Roman gods were alive and even gave a vague explanation of the mist just to clear the air on all this talk of terrorism.

Nick Fury didn't know what to make of a claim so high handed. It was absurdly far fetched, the thought of Greek gods from the myths running around leaving no trace. And the mist, if this kid was indeed telling the truth, was intimidating. Nick Fury didn't like the idea that something could be happening right in front of his eyes but this 'mist' would basically change his memory, Was it even a memory if he wouldn't see things as is? 

Nico laughed a little when eyepatch dude asked him if he was a god. Sure it wasn't all that far fetched since he was now immortal but Mr. Patches didn't need to know that. He figured he'd stick to being a demigod as far as patches was concerned. There was absolutely no need for these mortals to know more and that's exactly what Nico did, introducing himself as the son of Hades. He did it with a bit of flair, waving his cuffed hands as the rooms temperature dropped and drawing the shadows around him closer, looking straight at where he felt the life force of the strange people who brought him here, across a one way mirror. He was tempted to add the cackle but figured it was rather uncalled for given the circumstances, could've been fun though. Nico figured it was time to get out of the handcuffs, he had forgotten about them, what with being whisked away to Olympus, but they were starting to annoy him now. And besides that there was absolutely no reason to hide the fact that he could, now that he wanted the mortals to consider asking him to join the team. He let himself melt into shadows, the handcuffs falling onto the table with a loud clink.

Nick fury stared at the handcuffs in silence. Whatever this boy was, he wasn't human and quite frankly his gut was telling him that he had heard more truths than lies in the room today. But to have this rather overpowered boy roaming around the world leaving no traces didn't really sit well with him. Nick Fury realised that his actions from this point on would have dire consequences. Attacking the boy was out of the question and at this point he wasn't even sure if the Avengers would win. Thor was in Asgard at the moment and even with Thor here, it seemed risky. It could very well lead to a war with the gods, one he wasn't sure they could win. He wasn't okay with letting the boy go, there was a whole world that this boy was privy to and it just seemed dangerous, not having an idea what was going on, especially when it played out as earthquakes and volcanos. There was but one way to go.

Nico knew the wheels of fate were on a roll when Nick Fury asked him if he'd like to join the avengers. That was exactly what he was waiting to hear.

Mah fellow Greeks,

'Tis your humble author here, it's been 3 years and yup, I know I deserve a few of the knives thrown at me in the comments section of the previous chapters. *Ducks* I'm sorry, really am. 

How's COVID treating y'all? These are scary unprecedented times and I hope you're all safe and healthy. Stay strong, here's to hoping a vaccine will come soon and the world will find its new normal.

*Vanishes into the shadows*

Shadow's Touch (A Nico Di Angelo/ Avengers fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now