Thunder tarts

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Nico shadow travelled himself to his room in Stark Towers after repeatedly promising Will to be careful, despite having not much to be careful of at the moment, he was immortal after all. Sure he could fade, very unlikely since shadows can't be corrupted in quite the same way nature can, although yea, there was also cutting him to tiny pieces and dumping him in Tartarus, which seemed quite unpleasant.

He followed the smell of pancakes to the kitchen, helping himself to some of the pancakes and syrup whilst thanking Steve for his food. He was no fan of Captain America when he was a kid, what with Italy being in the wrong side of war and Captain America being portrayed as more of a terrifying villain than a selfless hero. Sure, he could see the bigger picture now but some things leave a big impression and he couldn't help but be a tad bit cautious when around the wartime hero. Flags was the thing mothers threatened naughty children with. It didn't occur to him when the group approached him first because the good ole captain was supposed to be chilling in Elysium or at least all old and wrinkled, not running around in a flag costume with a baby face playing hero. He wasn't really aware of Steve being refrigerated and then thawed years later, must've been that strange serum that Ares probably had something to do with, the god loved his wars after all.

By now, all the other avengers were in the dining room, munching on their pancakes whilst Tony and Bruce seemed to be discussing something real sciency (not a word, I know) that he was sure the children of Athena could probably keep up with. Thunder rumbled in the sky and soon Nico could feel someone very like Zeus nearby.

A blond giant walked in with a very majestic gait, looking like a gladiator with his red cape trailing behind him, giving off a 'look at me, I'm a lion' vibe what with the beard and all. Nico was surprised when the mortal avengers weren't on their knees to greet the god, still lazing around and talking to the Asgardian god casually. They didn't even address him as god or lord, just Thor! They would've been toast if they tried that with Zeus! But they seemed to be faring well, still alive, no apparent curses drawn from said offence so he figured the Asgardian gods might have a very different lifestyle in comparison with the Greek or Roman gods. It shouldn't be as surprising as it was, he supposed, they were from a completely different planet after all. Thor immediately seemed to enquire about his pop of tarts, whatever that was, before his eyes seemed to land on Nico.

'Another Greek comrade! Thor boomed, beaming up at Nico with a smile so infectious it almost set him off. 'Fought both against and with Hercules the mighty, Hercules was a dear comrade, though not as mighty as I' Thor said, before going after his pop of tarts. Nico was surprised, he never knew the Norse and Greek worlds had interacted with each other and from the description he supposed this was before Hercules was made a minor god and doorkeeper of the ancient lands. So this wasn't really a first, Nico thought, interested. Nico continued shoving pancakes into his mouth, choking down a laugh when he realised that Thor called pop tarts 'pop of Tarts'. Tartfarther *snorts*

He continued lazing around for a while, slightly blending with the shadows whilst observing the avengers chilling out in their very defined cliques. There was Bruce and Tony, clearly the brains and then Clint and Natasha, who were leaning a bit more towards brawns. Steve headed for his gym and seemed like he loved the punching bag despite coming across as a little naive and Thor was out of the tower, he said something about some 'fair mortal, Jane' before rushing out. Looks like having affairs with mortals wasn't just a Greek or Roman thing. He couldn't help but do a double take at that, if Asgardian gods did go around copulating with mortals then where in the world did the Asgardian demigods go to? Was there another camp on earth for them, one that the Greeks couldn't come in contact with or were they shipped to Asgard? Nico stomped the thought down, he was getting a little ahead of himself as far as his thoughts were concerned and well, there can't have been a lot of Asgardian demigods running around in Earth, given the fact that these gods were practically aliens.

Nico sighed, getting up from his seat with a stretch. He shadow travelled to the underworld, intent on getting some training done and it wouldn't really hurt to do some catching up as well while he was at it.

Hi fellow Greeks, what's up?

How's you all? Any constructive criticism you've got for moi? well apart from making the chapters longer, I already know it's kinda short and I swear I'll try making it longer. And to the 9 people that voted in the last chapter, wowzers, y'all are awesome, bet you're kids of Poseidon or something! Thankyou!

*shadow travels away to wherever the dogs go to in the underworld*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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