chapter 7

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     My father is standing against his driver side door when we pull in. He looks over to Shane, then over to me. I can see as his anger flashes across his face. As we stop, I look over to Shane, "What should we do? I can't just leave, now he knows where I've been."I say in a panicked state.

      He looks down, I can tell he's thinking. Then he looks back up, grabbing both my hands, "Baby, I will not let him lay a finger on you, I promise."As he says this, I know he means it with every ounce of his being. I trust him, so I nod okay as I take my hand and place it on the handle of the door.

     "No, stay in until I get around to let you out baby." He's says with a smile.

      As he gets out my father stands there still looking mad at everything under the sun. He watches Shane walk around but surprisingly doesn't move from beside the car. I hear the door click open and I turn grabbing Shane's open hand so he can help me down. Our fingers interlace as we begin walking to my father. We don't even get two feet near him before he starts cursing at me.

     "See I knew you were a slut. Nothing shy of a damn whore. This must be one of your fucking men, not surprising, I knew from the beginning you'd turn out just like your slutty damn mother. And look where she ended up. The bitch deserved it, and you have the same thing coming towards you too. Sluts like you don't deserve to poison the air I breath." He says, I can smell the alcohol on his breath as I feel the tears beginning to pour.

       I look over to Shane wandering why he hasn't said anything, he looks back at me with a shocked look in his eye. I can see him wandering how in the world a father could treat his daughter like this. Then I see the anger, and its anger I've never seen in anyone before. Then his eyes begin to feel with question as he says, "May I?" I already knows what he means with those two words and I'm so angry, I just nod yes. He pulls me into him for a hug as he tells me to go wait inside. I can tell by the tone ijn his voice that he is very serious. So don't protest, but I do whisper, "Don't kill him." I turn and and walk towards my front door as Shane answers me, "Oh he's not even worth the time and the energy it would take to do that."

      As I walk past my father, I can see him wanting to stop me, but he seems more focused on Shane then me, so I hurry inside. I push the door closed, but my curiosity gets in the way. I walk over to a window which is open and I peak out. I see Shane right in front of my dad as angry as ever. I can tell he's ready to knock his head but I know he's to smart to do that. I just wanna see whats gonna happen. I wipe my tears and blow my nose as I hear my fathers voice.

     "Who are you? You must be a slut just li..." He doesn't even get a chance to finish as I hear Shane just explode.

     "No, shut the fuck up. You know what? You think your big and bad for picking on your own daughter?! For beating her?! For calling her names that don't even remotely describe her!? Well you know what, you arnt even worth the dirt your standing on! You are a very very horrible father and YOU don't even deserve to be in the presence of that beautiful angel standing inside that house. You know what you deserve? You deserve a damn beating, but no, I'm not gonna step to your level. But you know what I will do you damn prick, I'm going to put your ass in jail. See how it feels to beat, cause people in there, are 3 times your size. You will get a good damn beating the moment they find out why your in there. So go ahead, lay another hand on Elana. See who rots in jail. Oh and another thing, don't you ever call her another name, I swear to God  I will make your life living hell you basdard." After he goes off, I can see the shock in my fathers face, I can see the anger, but I can also for the first time in my life, see fear. At that moment shane spins around heading toward the door, I quickly run up the stares and into my room just as I hear the door slam. I sit on my bed as quickly as possible and pretend I've been sitting there the whole time. I see Shane's face and I see his anger melt away as he looks I to my tear stained eyes.

       "Baby,"he says," its going to be okay my love. I'll never let him touch you again and I'm pretty sure I made him shit his pants.but don't worry, I didn't lay a finger on him." He sits down beside me pulls me into a hug, I just hug him so tight that I can barely breath, but I can't help it. His warmth soothes me, calms my heart. I look up, "Baby, thankyou, I love you so damn much." I say just as he kisses me softly.

     "Now pack some things, we are staying at my house tonight. To dangerous for you to be here baby." I nod and get up to pack some things. I gets cloths and everything I need. As I look behind the bathroom mirror, I almost put the razors in my pocket, but instead I just stare at them as memory of cutting rush through I head, just as I almost run the blade across my skin shane walks in.

    "Hey baby I..." Then he stops as his eyes meets my hand just about to make another bad choice. "No baby no, stop please, hand me the razor, come on its okay baby,I'm here. There's no need to do this my love, your so beautiful." As he says this he's reaching for the razor, I just drop it as I calapse on the bathroom floor. Sobs over take my body and I begin having a panic attack, I instantly feel his armss around me as he begins to hold me. I then hear something sweet to my ears. Singing. Shane's voice singing in my ear. My breath slowly begins to return to its normal pace and my crys cease as I feel my body feel with warmth. When he stops singing, I realize what happened. And I lean up and look into his eyes," Baby, I'm soo sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, please just get me out of here." I kiss him softly, then he helps me off the floor. I see him flush the razor down the toilet, then leads me into my room. He grabs my bags as he gently pulls me out the door and down the stairs. He opens the front door and we walk out. Surprisingly my father's car is gone. I just smile as Shane helps into the truck. He vets in on the other side and starts the engine. I lean over and kiss him once again before he begins driving away from the hell hole. He whispers in my ear, "I'm gonna keep you safe love, you have nothing to fear? Its all gonna be okay." I lean over and whisper,"only becuae I'm blessed to have you in my life."

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