The Sacrifice

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Celi: ummm guys i think I have a better idea. It's umm.... Too risky for us to revive our mother so I think I'm strong enough to kill her, I'm a tribrid right? Half vampire half were-cheetah and half witch...
Kali: No!!! are you crazy??!!
Cole: No sister she's an ijheol witch, one spell from her then you'll be forgotten!
Aiek: I'm not going to let you do that sister!
Celi: I know but I'm going to do everything for my siblings, for my niece and for my daughter. And I always think that I'm a failure, why? Cause I failed you guys, I love my siblings so much but one day we all hate each other. Before we're willing to die for each other, but now Cole hates aiek and aiek hates us. But aeik I will never leave you, we will never leave you. I will never give up on us sister, brothers. I should have done better we should Stick together always and forever. But now it's my chance to save my siblings, my daughter and my niece, please don't take this chance away from me.
Aiek: we will forget about you sister??!! We can't do that we'll find other ways!
Cole: aiek's right we can't let you do that celi....
Kali: Renesmee your daughter if we forget about you then we'll forget about her too....
Celi: I'm sorry but I've made up my mind, once you forget about me you'll remember that you adopted her when she was still a baby, but you'll know that Eli is her father. You'll remember that sister, brothers that's the least thing that I can do. Now promise me that you're going to take care of her!
Sister I believe in you, find a way to remember me! Iloveyouuu
Cole: No!!! Don't do this!! (Crying)
Celi: please promise me...
Kali: I....I promiseeee (crying)
Aiek: (crying)
Cole didn't agree to that stupid plan but she knows that she can't do anything to stop celi. Cole and Celi are pretty close so it's for Cole to accept celi's decision. On the other hand celi knows that aiek and Kali are going to stop her so when Kali hugged her she twisted his head, he died but don't worry cause he can't die permanently, he'll Wake up eventually. Celi cast a spell on Cole and aiek she made them sleep and then she talked to Renesmee she cried, she don't know what to say Renesmee is just a baby but her mom will be gone soon.
Celi: hey beautiful, I love you so much. I'll do everything to protect you! I'll never ever regret doing this. You're my everything, you're a Crystalson, you're special and powerful. I'm proud of you and I believe in you love. I have to do this for you love and for my siblings and for faith, I'm sorry love but mommy's running out of time, I have to go... I love you so much...
Eli: Don't do this celine, I heard everything, i saw everything.....
Celi: I'm sorry but this is for our daughter, I love you so much Elijah you'll always have my heart forever.
*She kissed Renesmee and she whispered something on renesmee's little ears, And then she kissed Eli and then she cast a spell on him to fall asleep and then she left..........
She faced elisa, she linked her life to her if she dies then elisa dies too. But if Elisa dies she'll die too. But Elisa is quick-witted, she cast a spell on celi that if she survive, everything will be different cause everybody will forget her. She choked Elisa and Elisa choked her. And then celi stabbed Elisa's back with a knife....
Elisa: you're smart celi but if I die you'll die too!!
Celi: I know but I'll do everything for my family!!!! Goodbye Elisa
Kali: No sister!!!
Cole: sister don't do that!!
Aiek: it's not your fault sister okay? We'll fight this together
Celi: I'm sorry Brothers, sister I LOVE YOU!!!!
*She pulled the knife out and then she stabbed her heart..... They vanished. Kali, cole and aiek lost their conciousness and when they woke up they're confused cause they felt like they want to cry but they don't know why, they don't know why it hurts, or why did they lost their conciousness or what are they doing there at the first place they felt like something is missing......

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