2.5. Jihoon

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This whole situation is in fast pace. I'm not yet ready for this. My mind is still fuzzy with the sight of Seungcheol confessing to Jeonghan.

I'm still thinking of whether confessing my feelings for him matters. I mean, I don't like to burden him with it. He likes Jeonghan-hyung.

I'll focus again on forgetting him.

Anyway, why is he even here?

Oh no. He is aware of my feelings? Was I too obvious back in the practice room?

"Jihoon?" Seungcheol said.
"Huh? What?"
"I said I need to tell you something. Listen carefully, okay?"

I waited. Seungcheol's moving his hands in front of his chest, as if controlling his breathing.

I am getting impatient. I said

"You know what, it's okay. Really. You date whoever you want to date."
"What? AHHH I KNEW IT WAAAH I MESSED UP SO BAD. NO. NO, JIHOON. I don't like Jeonghan."
"So what was that?"

He paused again. Ugh, hate waiting.

"Jihoon. I was practicing."
"Aah. Really. For what?"
"For, uhm, for this day."
"Yeah. The day that I will tell you that I uhm"

Is he trying to say that

"Jihoon. I like you. I like you so much. I mean, I think I love you."

Am I hearing this right? I can't speak.

"You're surprised, right? It's okay. You don't have to answer right away. I just want to let you know about my feelings. I love you, Jihoon."

I think I'm dreaming.

I stood up. "Wait here." I told Seungcheol.

I opened the door to look for Joshua. He's standing far enough so he can't hear us.

"Shua-hyung." I called him.
He turned and rushed to me. "Are you alright?"
I smiled. "Yeah. I'm happy, actually. Thank you so much for your help. You can leave now. Thank you sooo much."
"Good! I'll be seeing you guys later." He left with a smile on his face.

Things happened even without executing our plans. But his presence and comfort really helped me get through all this.

I went back and faced Seungcheol.

"So, where are we?"

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