3.1. Joshua

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"Do you think, uhm, do you think Jun is, you know, straight?" Minghao asked.

I am still in the process of collecting myself in the morning since I haven't eaten well yet, so I'm not really in the right mood to answer this type of question. But since it's The8 and McDonald's, I politely said

"Minghao, you can ask Jun about that, right?"
"Hyung..I can't do that."
"Uhm, of course you can. How will you know then?"
"I'm sorry?"

Okay, he's too much. Jun's only in this building and he could straight up ask "Bro, u gay?" to him. How else would you know? Search it on the internet?

"You know it's rude to ask a person about that, right?" He said.
"How so? Isn't it ruder if you assume his gender based on your 'investigation'?" I made an air quotes.
"What if he's straight? Then I'll offend him by asking."
"It'll be more hurtful when you assume it without confirming it to him." I placed my breakfast muffin down to grab my coffee.

He is.. getting onto my nerves. I think he doesn't get my point.

"Minghao. I really appreciate your effort this morning. But, you know you woke me up, just for this? I am not sure about his gender, but I know he's biologically male. And if you wanna know more, I can ask him."

He stayed quiet. I think he is finally agreeing with me.

"You won't." He answered.
"I CAN ASK" I slightly raised my voice. I cleared my throat and said "I can ask him politely. At least it's a first hand information."
"No, you won't."

"You'll help me investigate."
"No, I won't."
"So here's the plan."
"I didn't agree."
"So, after the promotions, we'll go to the resort, right?"
"NO. NO. I WON'T."
"In the bedroom, I'll hide, and there's only you and Jun"
"Blah blah blah."
"Then, you'll flex, show off your body, and seduce him."
"I'm sorry?"

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