3.7. Minghao

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"I have a crush on Minghao. He's a guy. So that makes me gay, right?"

That's me, right? He has a crush on me?

"Oh. Wow. You casually confessed your feelings." Seokmin told Jun with a now proud look on his face.
"Why? What's with that?" Jun asked.
"That was very brave. I think nobody in this resort could pull off that confession." Jeonghan tapped Jun's shoulder as approval.

"Minghao! Man! Someone just confessed his feelings for you." Seokmin said.
"Come on, Seokmin. Let's give them their time. We shouldn't be here now." Jeonghan stood up with him. "We'll leave you guys here. We'll talk to Joshua, so don't worry about him. For now, enjoy your vacation."

They locked the door as they leave.

Jun followed the two with his gaze.

Silence filled the room.

I cleared my throat and Jun turned to me.

"Hey, that was a sudden confession right there." I finally said. He really surprised me.
"Well, I am not shy about it. I like you for a quiet long time now. Nobody asked me this so I never had a chance to say it." He replied.

I sat in front of him and held his hand. "Again, I apologize for what I did. I really should have asked you."
"It's okay now. Let's go, we have to apologize to Shua-hyung."
"Wait, no. We'll talk to him later."

We're having a moment. Let's seize this first.

"Anyway, what will you do now that you know I am gay? But wait, I am gay for you, if that makes sense. Like I don't check on other guys nor girls, so."
"Now that I know you're gay, for me, then I will also tell you that I am gay, for you."

I smiled at him and waited for his response.

He is still not responding. I locked eyes with him. Then I realized he haven't put on his shirt yet. My eyes ran through his upper body and checked on it. I see, he still has his pants on..

Wait, a sexual tension is rising. No way. Jun, answer me.

"Yo, I told you I'm gay, too." I repeated.
"Are we also together now? Like Seungcheol and Jihoon?" He asked.

This guy is so funny. He always makes me happy with his weird gestures and questions. That personality of his plus his visuals is the death of me.

"If you want, yeah. We could be together." I said.
"Are you sure? I never expected you to like me too."
"Actually, as far as I know, I am in love with you." I moved closer to him.
"In love.. Minghao, I love you."

I saw his cheeks blushed. He is so cute. Can I kiss you now?

"I love you too, Jun." I moved closer just an inch.
"We're so close. Uhm, can I kiss you?" He asked.

I didn't answer, I just pressed my lips onto his. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I ran my hands on his chest.

I am feeling him. Every part of him. I hesitated to touch his nipples, but I still touched it. He flinched a bit but I saw his lusty expression.

I stopped kissing him and looked at his eyes.
"Jun, I love you."
"I love you t-"

I smacked his lips as he says that then started kissing his neck.

"I, uhm" Jun stutters.
"Are you okay?" I am concerned because I was too aggressive.
"Yeah. It's just, I am liking this so much."

He is so shyyyy and cute.

I continued kissing his neck and ran my hands down to his pants.

"Jun, you are mine now." I put a hickey near his collar bone. As I do that, I can hear soft moans from him.

No, I should control myself.

But I am failing, I tried to open his zipper when he said

"Oh, I'm sorry." I removed my hands on his pants.
"No, not that. I just want to take a bath first.."
"Okay, we'll take a bath together."

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