2.6. Seungcheol

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Jihoon walked out on me. I think I totally messed up. I made a mistake. I think I hurt him. Or he doesn't care? I don't know anymore.

What's important is that I told him my true feelings.

Jihoon finally went back and said "So, where are we?"
"Uhm, I told you that I love you. Annnd I told you that it's okay if you don't answer yet."
"Okay. I love you, too." Jihoon said.
"Yeah, it's really okay."


"Wait, did you just say?"
"Yeah. I love you, Seungcheol."

Wait. He what?

I'm so stunned.

"I, I thought you hate me?" I said.
"What? Why would you think that?" He sat on his bed.
"You didn't reply to my good night message last night. You didn't send me a good morning message. Plus, you don't care about me being clingy and touchy to others. You, you don't seem to see me.."

I'm being too emotional and immature. Why would I say that.

"Come here." Jihoon said, patting the bed beside him.
"I'm not a cat, though." But I sat beside him.

He brushed my hair and put it behind my ear. He leaned onto my shoulder. He traced my arms then locked his hand onto mine. Finally, he said

"Last night, I'm with Shua-hyung. I didn't see your message. I was busy thinking about you."
"What? Joshua knows about this?"
"Just yesterday. I sought help. We were planning on asking you whether you like me or not. I noticed everything, that's why I was so frustrated."

I made him mad!

I faced him and put my hands on his shoulders. I bowed to him and said
"I'm sorry! I know that was so childish of me. To test you. I'm sorry!"

He lifted my head, put his hands on my face, and kissed my forehead.
"I love you."

That is so comforting. All my worries and frustration were gone with that kiss. I saw him smiling at me. He's very delicate.

I smacked his lips. I look at him and said "I love you, too."

I'm trying to read his reaction. He was surprised for a moment. Then suddenly he pulled me close to him and we started kissing.

My hands ran through his neck down to his back. I tried to put my hands under his shirt. He also did the same with my body.

Then we just stopped.

I pulled out. I looked at him, we're both smiling.

"I remembered, we have practice today." I said.
"Yeah. We're such a tease, huh?"
I laughed. "Let's go?"

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