5.10. Joshua

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"Are you ready?"
"I don't think I'll ever be ready."
"Hey, you've already met them."
"Yeah, right? I don't know what I'm nervous about." Jeonghan said as he checked himself in is pocket mirror for the nth time.

We are waiting inside of a fancy restaurant for my mom and uncle. I say fancy because they offer diffent brands of wine. Everything in this place is fancy except the way Jeonghan shakes his hands every now and then.

He had already met them multiple times but I get why he's nervous, because it's our first meeting with them as couples.

We stood up as we saw them being assisted by a waiter towards are table.

"Mom. Uncle." I gave them a hug.
"Uhm, aun, aunchie, ahh auntie, ung, uncle." Jeonghan stuttered as he also gave them a hug.

"Hannie, are you okay?" Mom is laughing.
"Ahhh. I'm sorry."
"Relax. Let's pick from the menu. I'm actually excited for the wine."

I shudder in my seat as I try to contain my laughter. Jeonghan saw me and flicked my ear. "Stop!" He whispered a shout.

"Hmm. I like this steak." This restaurant is mom approved.
"Mom, maybe you could cook this for us some time? Hehehe just kidding."
"Of course. When I visit again, I'll make time for you."

Good to see them loosening up, I mean, back to normal.

"Sorry to bring this up in our dinner, but isn't this a nice day?" Uncle said.

My mom booked a flight to S. Korea as soon as she heard what happened to me. She wanted to be by my side as we take legal actions against Jay, that psychotic photographer.

It is indeed a nice day. The ruling for his case has been delivered this morning. He is now put in jail for 15 years. At last, I can go outside with less fear in my chest.

Many idols have come up and helped anonymously to the case and gave their evidences. Apparently, Jay has been doing this for years.

His trial has been made public except we, witnesses, have kept our identity hidden. Since we are idols, we don't want to be associated with that.

"Serves him right. I'm sorry, mom and uncle. I wasn't able to protect Joshua from that guy."
"No, you saved him. We should be thanking you."

He held my hand and I smiled at him. It was the worst memory of my life, except the part where Jeonghan came. Since then, our trust, and even more our relationship, grew stronger.

"By the way, Joshua said he wants a bungalow."
"Ahhhh I mean, ahhh." I tried to stop him from telling mom. Now, they're all laughing at me.

"Jisoo, so you're thinking ahead of the future, huh." Mom teased.
"Nooo. It was Jeonghan who asked me about the house."
"Haha well I did."
"Where do you want to buy a house?" Uncle asked.
"We don't know yet. Will you buy us one?" Jeonghan made a puppy eyes, which doesn't affect them.

The night was filled with joy and laughter. We gave mom a nice experience before she go back to America. I hope next time we can have a dinner with Jeonghan's family. Although that idea makes me nervous.

The next week, we had an appearance in a variety show. We met the director who conducted the comeback stage where our group made a strong headlines in the news.

"Mr. Joshua, your group made quiet a scene last time."
"I'm sorry about that."
"Well, congratulations to you anyway."
"Thank you so much."

"You see, being a couple in front of the spotlight is not easy."
"I can see that."
"Then, do your best to stay by his side."
"Yes, director. I try to take as many lessons as I can."
"That's good. Just a reminder, there are many competitions in this industry. I can see great talent from you. So don't let anyone outrun you in the race."

I will. I should do better. I will stay by Jeonghan's side no matter what.


A/N: Hello! Thank you so much for making it this far hehe. I hope this gave you some sort of emotions. I really appreciate you! Eat and sleep well!

I wasn't actually planning on ending this book yet. I have more progressive ideas but I can't end it in a more decent way so I decided to stop the story here. Maybe I'll make a sequel or idk.

For now, I plan to publish another Jihan FF. Tho I haven't written a volume yet. I only have info dumps. I got the idea from Svt's Don't Lie Going Seventeen episode. This is my favorite genre, the shonen-ish kind, but I'm afraid to mess it up. Writing LD made me realize that, an author is always allowed to go crazy and go stupid. I'm starting to be more confident. I like reading feedbacks, it really help me in this book. 

Again, thank you so much!! 

Title: Mad
Synopsis (kinda): Hong Joshua, an underground doctor who runs a small clinic in the suburbs of city. One day, a bunch of mafia led by Nico came to his clinic to get some information. Typical day in his life if he were to be asked. But it was the only time when his father came to rescue him.

His father invited him to live a simple life, and to revive their old family farm in the country side. Just when they were to start a new life, he saw his father killed in front of him. His father's last breath asked him to get Jasmine in the attic and run.

He doesn't get it but he ran towards the attic just to be cornered by Nico. Just as when he was about to be slashed, two bounty hunters, Jeonghan and Hoshi came to save him.

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