4.4. Mingyu

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Why can't I cook a fettuccini right? It's always so starchy. Ugh it's so frustrating. The sauce for this is too bland. Ugh.

"Wow, Mingyu. Smells good." Joshua entered the kitchen. "This looks, oh, over-cooked." He saw my mess and was incredibly honest with it.
"Hyung, that was blunt." I was hurt.
"I'm sorry. I can teach you if you want."
"Really? Thank you!"

"Why are you cooking this, though?" He asked.
"For the day when they come back home."
"Welcome home party? That's sweet."
"Aye, but only for Wonwoo."
"How about those two?"
"I will propose to Wonuwoo, Wonwoo.." I stuttered with his name.

The thing is, I am kind of sure that Wonwoo and I have feelings for each other. But since no one ever said it explicitly, I am bothered.

We always fulfill the expectations we have for one another. We have a mutual understanding that we're special.

We don't have to cuddle or make out. We just, in our little clingy ways, able to express the affection we have.

I want to make it official. I will tell him that I like him.

"I will hold a date with Wonwoo. Date food and decorations and all."
"Wow. That's so cute and romantic."
"Is it? I will ask him to be my boyfriend."
"Good luck! I want to help with the preps."
"Good. Come with me when I buy ingredients and decors."

"Anyway, I came here to call you. We're going to the studio at 2 pm."
"Oh, the CF?" I almost forgot about our schedule.
"Yeah." Joshua said and helped me clean up the mess.

Joshua, Vernon, and I arrived at the studio. While on stand by, Joshua said
"Mingyu, I told Vernon about the romantic date."
"I will help you, too. Not with the cooking, though. Maybe the decors." Vernon said. So lucky to have supportive friends.
"Good!" I patted Vernon's and Joshua's heads.
"You're so romantic, hyung." Vernon removed my hand.
"Do you think he will like it?" I asked. I am really nervous about this.
"I think he will, and he'll say yes to you." Joshua said.
"Waaaah!" I clenched my fist in front my chest and shake intensely.
"How can you be so sure?" Vernon asked Joshua while motioning for me to calm down.
"Gut feel. You said you have a mutual understanding, right?" Joshua looked at me.
"And how did you know you have a mutual understanding if none of you have ever said it explicitly?" Vernon's eyebrows met while his hand is on his chin.

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