the truth of the stand user

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Y/n was looking for his mom, he couldn't find her at the mall  he started panicking to him his mother was the embodiment of his quiet life. A mom who still cared and loved her son even though he was quirkless,
y/n" mom...where are you MOM" y/n looked crushed he was scared, then a idea came to mind y/n" maybe...she's at home? Yeah must be." Y/n was pulling at strings, he just wanted is mother to be ok.

Whilst walking home however he missed a scene happening in a alley, his mom and a guy who was wearing a scarf talking about something
???" So why did you bring me here"
Mom" its my son....hes being targeted by a him. Please eraserhead." The hero was shocked to hear that a quirkless boy was being targeted but he accepted and left to find the child eraserhead" jesus today isn't getting any easier"

Y/n has just arrived at his street his home is just around the corner y/n" its ok shes gonna be there..why....why is the house covered in blue fire." Y/n watched in horror as his home burned he cried alot he could have challenged izuku for crying in one go but in the end he gave up, he walked away from the scene. But it wasn't over y/n was sitting in a abandoned apartment thinking what had happened when he noticed something outside, it was two people walking to the apartment y/n whispered" damn it i need to hide" y/n found a hiding spot in a broken wardrobe. As he sat there trying to be quiet he peeked out of his hiding spot to find two people chilling in his room. One had black hair and scars on his arms and neck the other looked like a guy with pale skin and a...hand fetish? Y/n didn't judge, but what he saw next made him angry the black haired one started making blue flames.

Y/n was angry but he didn't notice the aura around him a pinkish colour. He wanted them gone, he wanted them to die. But most of all he wanted them to disappear, y/n rage grew as he jumped out of his hiding space and threw a punch at the black haired man.

But the fist that connect wasnt his...

Ok there's part 2 dont worry part 2 will be a time skip to when the anime starts i will leave what happened to the two villains a secret until they appear at the usj....with a unwelcomed guest

A Shear Heart Attack (Killer Queen User X Bnha) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now