beginning of two explosive heros

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Y/n was quietly walking to school walking past the school kids going to school, some heroes on patrol, and the quirkless stuttering kid izuku or deku as they call him. Y/n noticed a new hero who was very unholy y/n sighed at the attention she was getting and walked to school.


Y/n was quietly sitting in the back of the class room when he notices the second explosive kid jump on his table bakugo" OI TEACH don't lump me in with these second grade wana-be piss ant heros they will probably end up as shitty d list side kicks" y/n sighed he didn't want any attention so he quietly left, no one noticed, but as he was walking away he heard bakugo shout something he couldn't care less about a angry pomeranian with a rpg.


Y/n was walking home, his home you ask well it was a old warehouse that he cleared out using killer queens ability to turn objects into bombs, it was a quiet place and he liked it that way whilst walking home he ran into his favourite person since he was a child. He ran into eraserhead.

Eraserhead was chilling on a roof when he saw the problem child, eraserhead would never say this but y/n in his eyes was a good kid, eraserhead dropped off the roof and walked up to y/n eraserhead" hey problem child heading home." Y/n looked back and saw his only role model (he's a bad one y/n) y/n smiled at the hero y/n" hey shota you been staying out of the public eye" shota laughed at the child and they walked around the town and chatted, it was a normal experience for them both however today was different as they heard a cry from a alley, they approached the alley and saw a pink skined girl with horns being mugged by three men y/n and shota looked at each other and y/n flipped a coin it landed on heads, shota sighed and said "don't injure them that bad" he then turned around" I don't see a vigilante, I see a kid defending himself" y/n smiled and walked towards the muggers and said teo words that made shota laugh and say" dont blow them up kid." Y/n continued walking and shouted KILLER QUEEN

The three muggers stood there looking at the kid and a figure standing there menacingly, one of the muggers grew some balls and went to punch y/n but the figure blocked and punched his wrist shattering it "that was a bad idea you gonna leave or do i have to break more bones" two muggers ran out of the alley and shota caught them "problem child thats two is the other one still there" "yeah shota give me a minute"
The last muggers ran at y/n, y/n side stepped and let killer queen punch the muggers knee, shoulder and jaw breaking all three. Y/n walked over to the broken mugger on the floor "I think you learned your lesson on mugging, but I doubt you would have stopped after she gave you her money" killer queen picked him up by his shirt threw him in the air and hit him with a barrage of punches whilst shouting SHIBABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABABAB

The muggers layed on the floor in a bloody pulp, y/n looked at the girl "hey horny you good" the girl now nicknamed horny looked at her saviour and pouted " hey I have a name its mina" y/n looked at her "ok mina in y/n now go home and don't make a fuss about it" y/n walked over to shota and they walked away leaving mina to go home thinking one thing

"What was that thing"

A Shear Heart Attack (Killer Queen User X Bnha) Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now