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january 5 2021

mia was woken up by her alarm going off at 6am, she was used to her brothers waking her up but they were in college. she missed them a lot but she knew she'd end up living by herself at one point. mia put her led lights to a soft pink, it being her favourite color and grabbed her towel heading for the bathroom.

mia finished her shower and picked out light washed jeans and a white top. she walked downstairs usually seeing robert but his family moved to ottawa meaning he moved from mias home. she made herself a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch with apple juice, opening her phone to see messages from alessya and julia.

mia didn't bother opening them or checking since most of the unread messages consisted of checking up on mia. she loved that they checked up on her but mia was feeling better.

mia brushed her teeth and grabbed her backpack, she slid her blue chills on along with her jacket. she got in her car and drove to school, mia played a few throwbacks wanting to feel nostalgic. she was interrupted by alessya calling.

mia: yes alessya
alessya: where are you
mia: driving to school
alessya: oh, meet me by my locker
mia: will do farrugia
alessya: bye
mia: bye

alessya hung up and waited by her locker with everyone else. although mia loved being early, today she felt a bit off. she came to a red light and looked to her left, she saw mariano and samy. she smiled at them and drove off when the light turned green.

mia has been talking to mariano and samy a lot recently, they drifted a bit but regained their friendship. mia parked her car and walked to her locker, she set her backpack on the hook and walked over to alessyas locker that was a few down from hers.

alessya: finally
mia: yeah yeah
ale: can we go to the caf now
mia: ugh fine

they were well known in the school, many people shot them stares or glances but it didn't bother them. they sat down at the table and talked until the bell rang. this is what they did every morning, meet at anyone's locker then walk to the cafeteria and talk until the bell rings.

mia grabbed her religion books and walked inside, religion was one of the many classes she was good at. she was a smart kid and hated any sort of interruption, her weed addiction was slowly dying down and she was happy about it.

class had just started after hearing the national anthem and announcements, she was in french immersion ever since grade 1 and she loved it.

mrs richards: tournez à la page 184 dans la bible, julia, tu va lire pour aujourd'hui

after two classes that had mia bored out of her mind, it was finally lunch. she grabbed the $10 and ran to the cafeteria line, the line was always long and took a while to get your food. mia was the kindest to every adult at the school so everyone knew who she was.

mia: how you been amelia

amelia was the lunch lady, whenever mia was short on money, amelia let it slide.

amelia: hate to be back but that's life, how you been mia
mia: don't wanna be here but whatever it takes to get in law school
amelia: don't end up like me
mia: yes lia
amelia: enjoy mia
mia: thank you

mia grabbed her poutine and three cookies for her, alessya and julia. she sat down and handed them their cookies, usually mariano or samy would be there to cheer her up but not this year.

alessya: is it too late to change to online school cause this baby is pissing me off
mia: ask mr hernandez
alessya: will he say yes
mia: you're pregnant mia, he'll say yes
alessya: come with me ale
ale: of course
robert: when is she due
julia: march
robert: that's close
kai: we need to plan for ales birthday
mia: wow he's turning 18
kai: then it's me
julia: no one asked you
kai: y'all hear sumn
mia: i'll be right back

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