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january 9 2021

i was woken up by my phone ringing, i groaned and grabbed it from the night table next to me.

incoming call from border hopper 😼

mia: why are you calling me at 2pm
mar: were you asleep
mia: yes
mar: why so late
mia: cause i can and i was working on a few assignments, now what do you want
mar: cranky much
mia: just tell me what you need
mar: can we hang out today
mia: why
mar: cause i miss my best friend
mia: ask the boys to go with you
mar: but i miss mia rivera
mia: and mia doesn't wanna hang out and would much rather stay inside all day
mar: then i have a plan, bye mia
mia: you are not com- mar MAR

he hung up. i was just joking, i did miss my best friend mar. last time we hung out was at alessya's birthday party which was in november, it's january. i actually lied to mar, oopsies. i was facetiming hector all night, now i know what you're thinking, so cute i wish i had that. no. me and hector will remain friends and like he said, we're always gonna be just friends.

i don't know, when he said that, it hurt me a little and for what? i don't even like him like that, i knew him for 5 months, i fell for mattia in the span of 1 year. wow, new record for me. speak of the devil, i'm so stupid for accepting his apology, i'm so nice when it comes to him and i hate it.

i went downstairs and grabbed breakfast, a bowl of frosted flakes and apple juice. i know i made a mistake accepting mattia's apology and laughing with him and smiling at him BUT i will be smart this time. or try to be smart. i opened tiktok and all i see is WAP, not complaining tho, it's funny seeing girls shake bones. i am so rude, oh well.

i finished showering and put on a black top and grey sweatpants. why bother trying, it's just mar, hopefully. he always brings surprises with him. i heard a knock on my door and i went downstairs, i opened the door and saw all of my friends there including mattia. is mar dumb?

mia: mar are you an idiot
mar: what
mia: why the fuck did you invite polibio
mattia: i know you want me here
mia: i don't mattia cause i hate you
mattia: didn't seem like that last night
alessya: MIA, thanks for letting me and julia know

fuck, i forgot to tell them.

mia: i got carried away
julia: with what
mia: i fell asleep
mar: yeah at like 6am
hector: 7am
robert: how would you know
hector: we fell asleep on facetime

HECTOR, ARE YOU AN IDIOT. i hate everyone.

julia: you got some secrets mia
mia: so what me and mattia fixed our friendship and then me and hector fell asleep on call. so what, no big deal, at least i wasn't doing cocaine
kai: let's get something to eat, c'mon

today is going to be eventful, i can tell you that.

samy: you did cocaine mia
mia: when my parents died i did, only once tho, i hated it
samy: you're off tho, right
mia: yeah no worries
samy: good

i went to the pantry and grabbed some snacks and put them in a bowl. i do not feel like going back out there, why did alessya and julia make it such a big deal? was i supposed to tell them every single little detail that goes on in my life? i only tell them big interesting things, they wouldn't care if i fell asleep on call with hector or if me and mattia were slowly starting to become friends. i know they wouldn't care.

i sighed and headed back to the living room, i set the snacks down on the table and just sat there. silence. bad idea mar.

mar: i thought this would be more fun
mia: same
julia: you kept secrets
mia: why is it a big deal julia
julia: cause we're talking about your feelings mia
mia: what about them, not like you guys are interested
alessya: what makes you think that
mia: i've known you both my whole life, i know the last thing you wanna hear is how i'll potentially get my heart broken for a fourth time
julia: we want what's best for you
mia: so if i told you me and mattia were friends again, you'd approve
alessya: no cause he broke you three times
hector: mattia was your ex
mia: yeah but i'm being more smart around him
julia: don't do anything stupid
mia: you don't trust me
alessya: we want what's best for you mia, what don't you understand
mia: let me fuck up, let me see the consequences, i don't need you watching my every move
alessya: you need us mia
mia: and for what? to get judged by who i like

𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫; mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now