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january 30 2021

mia woke up at 7am and headed downstairs, her brothers wouldn't wake up until 10am so she would try her best being quiet. she opened the fridge and took out eggs and grabbed bread, she started making her eggs when her phone buzzed.

hector 🤍

hi 😃
good morning

good morning <3

what time u picking me up 😏

uhh 8:30ish

that sounds okay

u sure

yes ma'am

see u soon 😏

see u soon 😏

mia finished cooking and sat on the couch, she was very excited to be going on a second date with hector. although in the past they hung out often by themselves, this time they confessed how they felt about each other and mia is here for it. mia has liked hector since october and hector has liked mia since september, mia knows the feeling right away when she feels like she loves someone. she knows she doesn't love hector, she just really likes him. as for hector, he's starting to love her slowly but surely.

mia finished showering and scanned through her closet, mia wore grey sweatpants, black top and light smoke grey 1s. she grabbed her keys and phone then went to her car, hector wasn't far from mia's house so it wouldn't take long. hector was very excited for a second date with mia, he wanted to be with her until the end because he felt such a strong connection between both of them.

mia: there you are
hector: i was taking pictures
mia: show me later, this will be a long ride
hector: where we going
mia: anyways wanna-
hector: miaaaa
mia: it's a surprise dumb fuck, i can't tell you
hector: you were bugging me last time
mia: well i wanted to know badly
hector: so do i
mia: well that sucks cause i'm not telling you
hector: i hate you so much
mia: oh please, i know you love me
hector: just keep driving

he didn't deny it, he doesn't, does he I CAN'T DOES HE- chill she thought to herself.

hector didn't feel like denying it, the more time he spent with mia, the more his feelings grew harder for her. he really liked her, just didn't know if he loved her. as much as hector wanted to ask mia to be his girlfriend, he needed something big. he planned on doing it today but mia took over.

mia: if you're tired, go to sleep
hector: but i like vibing with you
mia: it's fine hector, besides, i got like 15 hours of sleep
hector: you sure
mia: yes
hector: good night mia
mia: good night hector

after stopping to pee and get some snacks, they finally made it to their destination, niagara falls. mia paid $15 for parking and she got out of the car, it was a beautiful view during winter to go to niagara falls. hector walked over to mia and wrapped his arm around her waist, mia felt butterflies and smiled.

(10/10 go to niagara falls during the winter, it is GORGEOUS)

hector: ready
mia: yup

hector and mia walked to downtown niagara falls looking at all the attractions and restaurants they had there. mia saw the skywheel and her eyes lit up, she knew she wanted to go there before she went back home. the first stop would be looking for food, it was already lunch and they were starving.

𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫; mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now