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june 30 2021

we had a sleepover last night cause today we're going to canada's wonderland. i put on a blue top, grey shorts and royal 1s, i headed downstairs to see everyone eating and already dressed.

alessya: you look cute
mia: look at you, are we going in the water
kai: should we
robert: just to see mia in a bathing suit
mia: i love you
mattia: no
mia: shut up, i said it to you yesterday
julia: WHAT
mia: as friends
mattia: oh
mia: anyways y'all, where's my seat
alessya: the couch, ain't nobody want you here
mia: ms girl, ain't nobody want your beaten up pussy
alessya: why you gotta be so rude for, that's why your mama dead
mia: that's why mar left your ass
alessya: that's why hector left your ass
mia: that's why alejandro cheating on you
alessya: what, are you
mia: love stirring up the pot

i put two waffles in the toaster and waited for them to pop up, i heard alessya and julia talking about their boyfriends and i sighed. being single sucks, my waffles popped up and i set them on my plate, i put syrup on them and put raspberries on top. i grabbed a fork and sat down.

mia: which ride is first
julia: levia-
mia: you got me fucked up, i'm not going on that shit
julia: so then what the fuck you wanna go on
mia: woah calm down-
alessya: that's 2020 vibes, fuck that
mattia: hey, leave her alone
kai: y'all mad annoying
ale: shut up shrimp
julia: he's packing
mattia: i'm packing too
mia: oh i know
alessya: NO NO NO NO
robert: fuck all of you
mia: i love you robby, i'll see if you're packing
mattia: i will throw you off the leviathan
mia: please

we got in alejandro's car and drove off to canada's wonderland, it was a long car ride since we live in ottawa but alejandro loves speeding.

alessya: let's play i spy
mia: she really is a mom
alessya: gotta do what you gotta do
kai: can we talk about when julia puts her glasses on she looks like a pornstar
kai: it's embarrassing
mattia: nah, it's hot
julia: i know you did not
kai: shut the fuck up
mattia: and what are you gonna do
kai: uhh i don't know, steal your girl
mia: y'all want anything from mcdonald's
robert: travis scott burger
mia: they still don't have that bitch in canada
mia: now, there is no need to yell monkey
mattia: i love-
mia: SHUT UP
ale: no need to yell immigrant
mia: i hate you

alejandro parked the car and i ran to the entrance, there was no way in hell i would be going on the leviathan. that shit too high. i showed them my season pass and ran to a random ride, i heard alessya calling me but i kept running when i bumped into someone.

mia: i'm so- hector
hector: oh hey mia
mia: what are you doing here
hector: with the boys and lauren
mia: oh
hector: you
mia: with the-
julia: there you- hector
hector: hey guys, it was good seeing you mia
mia: you too

hector went back to his friends and a frown appeared on my face, i masked it off with a smile and we looked for rides to go on. we decided to go on the sledge hammer which was the one i wanted to go on. we waited in line and i remembered the first time i went on it, i was so scared and screaming my lungs out. i literally died for two seconds. we got strapped on and of course mattia sat next to me, fan behaviour.

mattia: hold my hand
mia: you got me fucked up
mattia: pleaseee
mia: pussy behaviour, poor robby all by himself

𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫; mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now