Blue Like The Sky

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A/N: Hey People! So this isn't written by me because I'm super busy writing a novel for school. This is written by @wordsofink on Archive Of Our Own. Thanks for understanding!

Nico's favorite color was blue. Like the cloudless sky or the shirt Papa gave Mama for her birthday or blueberries (which were his favorite food). Or Bianca's ribbon that she used to tie up her hair or his cat's collar. Or his best friend's eyes. To Nico, blue was the perfect color for anything.

Will wasn't sure he had a favorite color. They were all nice in his opinion, no single one of them standing out. There was green for the soft grass outside and red for his father's angry face and yellow for his hair and blue for when he was bad. If Will had to answer, though, he'd probably say brown. Brown like the dirt that was always fun to play in and brown like the brownies his mom used to make.
Nico waited outside for his friend, Will, to come over. They were supposed to meet after school to try out Nico's new ball that he'd gotten for his birthday. Nico sat on the steps of his house, the ball sitting next to him. It was bright blue, like a blueberry, Nico thought. He thought about bouncing it around a few times, but he also wanted to wait for Will. Where was Will? They'd promised to meet on Tuesday. And today was Tuesday, wasn't it?

"He's not here?" Bianca asks. Nico shakes his head. Bianca would be playing with him until Will got there, but she had piano lessons. "Maybe he forgot," Bianca says. Nico shakes his head again. Will would never forget. He'd been so excited when Nico had told him about the ball.

Bianca disappears inside for her piano lessons, and Nico sits outside waiting. He's just about to give up when he sees Will's familiar blond hair coming towards him. He stands up, brushing off his pants. Will gives him a smile.

"Can I still play?" he asks. Nico nods. "I'm sorry I'm late. Father was angry."

"My dad gets angry sometimes, too." Nico didn't really see the relation between being late and being angry, but he didn't ask. Will was finally here, and they could finally play. Will smiles at him again, reaching out to catch the ball. It's much more fun to play with someone, Nico thinks. When Bianca's piano lesson is over, she comes out to play with them, too. And they play monkey in the middle, one of Nico's favorite games. They end up playing all afternoon until Will's father comes to get him.
Will wasn't sure why his family was so different from his friend's. Maybe it was because Nico had a mom and sisters. Will only had a dad. He didn't even have a cat. He'd asked Nico about it once, but Nico had only asked why he didn't have a mother. And Will didn't want to tell Nico that it was his fault that his mother was gone, so he didn't answer.

Will hadn't noticed the difference until Nico invited Will over for dinner. Will was so excited because his father rarely ever let him do fun things, and eating at Nico's house was kind of like an adventure. He'd never been to someone else's house alone before.

"And that's our pictures over there!" Nico is saying. He's pointing at the fridge, which Will thinks is kind of a weird place to put pictures. Nico proudly shows him his own before showing Will Bianca's and also Hazel's. There are so many pictures on the fridge that Will wonders if there's still food inside of it, but he doesn't ask.

"And you want to see my room?" Nico asks. Will nods. He follows Nico upstairs, expecting something similar to his own room. Which it kind of is. There's a bed and a desk and a nightstand and a closet. But there are also toys and games and even more pictures on the walls. "Do you like it?" Nico asks. Will nods. He wonders if maybe Nico's family is richer than his, but he's not sure.

"Can we play with something?" Will asks. Nico shrugs, nodding. "Like this?" Will asks again, picking up a toy car. Nico grins.

"I have more, too. So we can each have one." Nico begins to dump out a small box of toy cars, and Will quickly chooses the one he wants to play with. "And we can make a track, too," Nico says, getting his pillows off the bed to make a race track. "And now we race." Will counts them down, and then they're racing their cars through the maze of pillows. They do it so many times that Will's lost count, but it's fun. They have to stop when Maria (as she told him to call her) calls them for dinner.
Will's late again, and Nico wonders if he should talk to Will. Papa had told him that all problems could be fixed by talking it out. When Will doesn't show up after half an hour, Nico decides to see if maybe Will forgot. He leaves his ball on the steps, walking over to Will's house. He rings the doorbell.

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