Book Boy

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A/N: This is an AU

Solangelo relationship status: not together yet

Summary: Just to oblivious bookworms

Nico di Angelo pulled open the heavy library doors, and stalked inside. The warmth of the  library made his toes not so cold, and his ears not so numb. His eyes scanned over the labels, searching for classics. He made is way to the back corner, and ran his fingers along the spines of the books. Signing, he smiled at the comfort of being somewhere quiet and warm. He pulled a thick book off one of the shelves and flipped through it, only to see that he already had read it. Slipping it back on the shelf, he continued his search. He took a step back and scanned the shelves, his eyes landing on a book with a navy spine. Standing in his tip toes he reached for it. Groaning he looked around for a stool. He was about to give up when someone reached over his head and picked the book from it's spot. Nico turned around to find himself face to face with the most gorgeous boy he had ever seen. "Uh, hi?" He gave the boy a small smile, hopping his cheeks weren't as read as they felt.
The boy smiled and handed the book to Nico. "Here ya go!" He grinned and turned away. Nico stared after him, and sighed in remorse. He hoped they would see each other again soon. After all, a library of a small town is only so big.

A/N: This is part one, part two will be out soon.


Question Of The Day:

Favorite food:
Mine is tacos

Fanart Of The Day:

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