Dragon Soulmate Pt. 4 Nico

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A/N: Two more part than this mini story is done. 

Solangelo Relationship Status: They could be dating, they could be friends who flirt. They will eventually date either wayyy

Summary: Everyone has a soulmate. Everyone has a dragon. your dragon helps you find your soulmate. 

Hercules POV                                                                                                                                  Nico grabbed Will's arm, staring up at him with an intense gaze. His freckles glowed in the late afternoon sunlight like mini galaxies. He mentally slapped himself for noticing such an unimportant thing.

"I'm not working on this at my house," he grumbled, looking away from Will's wide blue eyes.

"Ok?" Will arched an eyebrow, and started towards the doors of the building.

His sneakers kicked up the maple leaves that fluttered to the ground. Nico turned towards the two story house, as Will opened the door with a bang. As soon as they entered the house, Nico was greeted by an obstacle course of books. Will knocked on the door that had cut out butterflies on it. A short girl, only a couple years younger than the two boys opened the door.

"Who's he?" she asked, raising a brow. Nico internally laughed, smirking at her and opening his mouth to speak.

"Hey," Will rolled his eyes and stepped in between them. "Get your homework done, Kayla," he scoffed.

With a huff, Kayla shut her door and left the two boys alone in the hallway.

Across the hall was Will's room. Nico observed the poster hung on it, chuckling to himself as soon as he realized it was something sciencey. He thought to himself, "Cute, he's such a science nerd".

Will opened the door to his room and let the younger boy in.

He stepped past the blonde and scanned the room. It was unbelievably tidy, with bare walls and a small desk in the corner. The desk was completely cleared of materials, besides a pencil jar positioned in one of the upper corners. Nico looked closer at the pencil jar, noticing a small rainbow flag held with the pencils and pens.

Nico arched a brow before coming to his senses, realizing that it was a pride flag. All of a sudden he felt the temperature in the room begin to rise and he ran a hand through his hair.

"Uh... let's get started," the raven-haired boy said, seating himself on the carpeted floor.

"Hey, you alright? You're looking a little bit... flushed," Will said, reaching his hand out to touch Nico's forehead. The latter pushed his hand away and shook his head.

"I'm fine. Now tell me how to do the project," he grunted. The smaller boy pulled his hand away quickly, nodding before opening his assignment. He shifted so he was sitting beside Nico, who tensed up and froze.

"What... are you doing..?" he stammered. Will gave him a confused look. "Showing you the project?" He said slowly.

Nico nodded quickly and laughed."Sorry, I'm just tired..." he lied, scratching the back of his neck.

Will shook his head in confusion. 

Nico shut his eyes and mentally cursed himself for showing vulnerability.

After a small, uncomfortable silence, Will spoke. "Uh, anyway. Basically, the project is about-" Nico raised his hand to cut him off.

"Will. You're gay," he said bluntly. Will blinked before fully processing the statement, and looked up at the other boy in astonishment.

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