Truth or Dare Pt. 2

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A/N: This is based off of a OTP Prompt. I recommend listening to the song: it's He Likes Boys, by Simone Battle. And I just thought it was perfect for Solangelo! Also, if you are Jewish [like me] Happy New Year! If you aren't. . . Happy Random Friday!

Please note: I am horrible at writing lovey-dovey scenes due to the fact that I can't write from experience, and that I'm asexual. 

Solangelo Relationship Status: Together

Summary: Will teases Nico (not that way, you pervs) 

Will Solace and Nico di Angelo sat in the Hades Cabin. Will sat on Nico's bed, his back resting against the headboard. Nico was sprawled across his lap, his head resting against his boyfriend's chest. Boyfriend. Wow. Nico sighed and grinned a small smile and flipped the page of his book. He leaned back into Will, sighing softly when he ran his hand through Nico's hair.

"Hey?" Will leaned forward and whispered into Nico's ear, causing the hairs to stand on the back of his neck.

Nico rolled his eyes, and kept reading his page.

"Neeeeks," Will whined and flicked Nico in the back of the head. "Pay attention to me. . ."

Nico snickered, "Are you, Will Solace, jealous of a book?" Nico craned his neck to look back at Will.

Will gazed down at Nico. And shook his head, his blonde hair flopping in his eyes, "Of course not. You wound me!" He placed his hand over his heart dramatically before quickly switching sides when he realised his heart was on the left side.

Nico stifled a laugh and turned towards is book. He leaned back against Will, his breath tickling the top of his head. Will's wrapped his arm around Nico, and rested his chin on the top of his head.

"Hey." Will nudged Nico. "Truth or dare?"

"Hmm?" Nico glanced up from his book. "Whaa? Oh, uh. Truth?"

Will grinned, "Do you want to kiss me?" He leaned closer to Nico, belly to back. He breathed in the smell of his shampoo. Strawberries.

"Uh, nevermind. I choose dare." Nico ran his fingers over the spine of the book, waiting for an answer.

"I dare you to kiss me." Will nestled his nose in the crook of Nico's neck.

Nico leaned against Will as he placed a feathery kiss on his shoulder. "Never have I ever-"

Will lightly smacked the back of his boyfriends head. "THAT IS NOT THE GAME!"

A/N:   Wow, Asexual me was uncomfy just by writing light kiss scenes. Not even mouth to mouth kisses. Somehow this just seemed more passionate. Even though it lacked s3x. Idk, maybe that's just my sexuality interfering in my writing  :P


 I hope you guys like this. I also take requests. Just give me a week to write it, I will credit you too. Ok, here is the headcanon that gave me the idea:

 Ok, here is the headcanon that gave me the idea:

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Question Of The Day

Favorite Band/Artist:

Mine is Backstreet Boys, Green Day, BTS, and One Direction. 

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