Sincerely, Me Pt. 3

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A/N: The last and final part of Sincerely, Me

Solangelo relationship status: Hmm, i don't know. Ask them? I think they're dating in this. You choose

Summary: A LiL talk

Nico's eyes widened as he looked at Will's hand writing. He frowned when he realized something. 

Will dropped his gaze to his own hands which were balled tightly in his lap. "Any reaction?" He laughed miserably. "At least say something. How about 'shut up Will' or 'go away Will'. Just please say something." 

Nico stood up and opened his desk drawer. He pulled out a stack of yellow envelopes. "You know, it was sweet." He sat down across from Will. "Though it's mildly creepy that you knew how to get into my locker." 

Will flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry." 

Nico shrugged, "No biggie." He laid the last  letter down. "Was this true?" 

It said: 

Dearest Nico, I Like you. Want to meet? Sincerely, Me

Will nodded and peeked at Nico through his fingers, only to see him grinning back at him. "Not was, is." Will corrected. 

"Here." Nico handed him a black envelope. "I was going to put this in my locker tomorrow morning, but you're here now. . . so yeah."

Will carefully opened it, and gasped. 

                                                                                  Dear Sincerely, Me                                                                                                     I would love to  meet. Maybe watch a movie or something? Here is my number                                                                                                        (123)-456-7890                                                                                      -Nico-

Will smiled. "Are you for real?" 

Nico nodded, "Will , will you go out with me?" Nico smiled at the Will will will. 

Will nodded, "Of course. . . but, I need to finish my homework first."

Nico rolled his eyes, "Of course you do."

A/N: Hahah. I have tons of ideas!!


Question of The day:

Three things You would bring on a desert island:

Hmm  I  would bring. . . a boat, water purifier, and a solar power Xbox.

Fanart Of The Day:

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