Dragon Soulmate Pt. 2 Nico

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A/N: Part two of five. I wrote this with a friend, so thanks Alex!!

Solangelo Relationship Status: Not together yettt

Summary: Everyone has a soulmate. Everyone has a dragon. Your dragon helps you find our soulmate. 

Hercules POV                                                                                                                               Nico pulled his hood over his head to hide himself from the principal who stood on the steps waving at all the students. Nico and the principal were on a name-to-name basis due to his skill of being sent to detention daily. He glared at the ground and stuffed his hands into his pockets, wishing that he was anywhere else but there. He looked up in time to see a boy with wavy blonde hair staring at him.

"Excuse me," The boy grinned and ran his hand through his hair. "You're, uhm, blocking the door."

Nico glared at the blonde and rolled his eyes.

"You can walk around, can't you?" he scoffed, turning his back to the boy, who gulped and nodded, looking at the floor as he squeezed past the school's bad boy.

As the bell rang, Nico shook his head and made his way down the school hall. He made eye contact with a pale, sickly looking blonde boy from a grade below who shivered and scurried away.

Nico pulled his crumpled syllabus from the back pocket of his skinny jeans. When he finally located his home room, he swung the door open and sauntered in.

The back desk in the corner, his usual seat, had been taken by a new girl that seemed to be making herself at home. Nico slammed his books on the desk and gave her his best glare. The girl scooped up her own books and quickly found a different spot.

Nico plopped down into his seat, and swung his legs up onto the desktop. Balancing on the back two legs of his chair, he surveyed the classroom. Seeing a few kids looking in his direction, he raised an eyebrow at them and their gaze quickly diverted. Nico glanced at the clock, it had been approximately twelve minutes into class when he raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. di Angelo?" the teacher asked politely. Nico took his feet off the desk and stood up.

"Can I please go to the bathroom?" he asked, already on his way toward the door. The teacher sighed, and excused him. Nico ran down the hall, speeding right past the bathroom and in the direction of the back of the school. Rushing past school lockers, he could see the doors that lead to freedom, he was so excited he barely noticed the boy standing in front of a large window. That is to say, he hadn't noticed until he felt his body collide with his, his arms and legs flailing to hold onto something before his back hit the cold floor. He looked around to find the source of his fall, and saw none other but the nerd he met in the morning. Flashbacks of when he stood by the door, when the boy asked him to move, when he told him to go around. Nico stood up slowly, looking down at the young boy, who's books and papers were scattered on the floor around him and his glasses crooked on his face. The boy stared at Nico, stacking his books neatly by class schedule before standing up.

"Sorry..." he started before Nico raised his hand to silence him.

"Watch where you're going next time, Mouse." He said, smoothed his hair and inspected his reflection in the glass.

"Mouse?" The blonde boy raised his eyebrows in confusion. "My name is Will." Nico scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Well, Will. My name is Nico." Nico shook his head. "Why are you out here? I know you aren't ditching..."

"I could ditch if I really wanted to." Will huffed and rolled his bright blue eyes.

Nico inspected him. His blonde hair supported a haircut that went out of fashion long ago. And his freckles looked like splattered paint.

Will nodded quickly and began to leave when Nico put his hand up again to stop him. "What were you looking at, anyway?" He asked, looking out the window to see only the large field by the school and his dragon, AKA me, Hercules.

"That dragon out there... I think... I have a feeling... the dragon's human is my soulmate."

A/N: Sorry, if you guys hate me. I'm warming you up, my next few will be, uh, different. I'm trying something different. I'll put warnings at the beginning. I might include DDLB, self harm, and sad Nico. . . 

On a brighter note, question of the day:

Favorite Movie:

Hmm. I love Deadpool. Don't tell my mom it's R. *whispers*  She things it's PG-13

Fanart Of The Day:

Fanart Of The Day:

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