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I have a strong statement today "before something great happens, everything falls apart".When we are faced with the biggest disappointment, we don't know if that's the end of our story or a new beginning for great discoveries. The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment to walk away from that relationship or place. We don't actually analyze situations when things are hard however things falling apart sometimes can actually mean they are falling into place."When you think everything is going wrong in your life, think yet again because it's possible that those difficulties are helping you develop the foundation", just hang on there because no matter situations are good or bad, they will pass.Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world but difficult is to hold on when things start to fall apart because that shows your real strength. If you plant a bamboo tree and water him patiently for 5 long years, then only a little green shoot will start to emerge but in the next few months it will grow up to 80 feet long.Ask yourself now "do you have this kind of patience?"Ask yourself "do you believe in the process more than results?"As you try to answer the above questions, you will soon realize that for the last 5 years bamboo tree was growing its roots underground for a foundation in order to sustain the growth. Similarly, you have to overcome problems in order to reach your destination.Don't think if your salary is increasing, you are growing or if you are promoted then you are growing because growth is about improvement as a person. Growth is about helping people; growth is about bringing a smile on someone's face and growth is about giving without expecting it back so ask yourself once more "Are you growing from inside?"

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