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We all are teachers; parents are teachers for their children, siblings are teachers for each other, mentors of any organization are teachers, advisors are teachers and your seniors in any field are your teachers so today is the day for everyone to celebrate.Let me start with the question "Who do we call as a great teacher?"A teacher is not someone who pushes you for good marks but inspires you to work on a process to achieve desired results. Teachers should not be completely occupied just to complete the syllabus but should always be ready to teach their students something out of the box, something surprising that consists of values, plans, views, and ideas.The mediocre teacher "Tells", the good teacher "Explains", the superior teacher "Demonstrates" but a great teacher "Inspires".These days teachers are so involved in reaching deadlines that they actually forget to teach something that will help their students grow. I can bet that every teacher wants to bring a change and want to make someone life better in some way and no one is happier than a teacher if their students succeed but ask yourself once "are you inspiring someone with your teaching?"A teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself just to light the way for others. True teachers use themselves as bridges over which their students cross and achieve their dreams, true teachers teach their students to help others, inspire others while moving ahead in their journey and true teachers teach their students to give a helping hand to someone in need and compete in the right way.The test of a good teacher is not how many marks his/her students scored but how many questions he inspires them to ask which he finds it hard to answer. Always remember "a great teacher can inspire the mind, ignite imagination and inspires creativity"

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