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"Age is just a number", we all must have heard this unlimited times in our journey however have you ever tried to know the reason behind this old saying by "Cecelia Ahern".Age does not define us, or our destiny, because it is not our age that counts, but our attitude. Your age should not discourage you from pursuing and realizing a new dream, vision, or aspiration. Age is an issue of mind over matter; if you don't mind it doesn't matter. You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old; a person is as young as he feels.For me, age is just a number, but the real meaning of that number is a collection of experience such as the number of rejections, number of sad moments, number of fear, number of hurts, number of love; so age is a collection of all the experience we had in our journey. Age doesn't define your maturity, some people remain a child forever because they never face the toxicity of the real world while some grow up too fast because of experiences; life is not about the years you lived, it's all about the moments you survived."life is all about how earlier you got to know the reality of the fake world"

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