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Let's talk about "real difficulties" and "imaginary difficulties" because you should know the difference to move forward and take the right decisions.At the end of the day, you are choosing what to believe and what to leave, at the end of the day all those things in your head that seems like "you could never get over them"; believe me you created them yourself with imagination. Real difficulties can be overcome; it's only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable."Do you think about the way things could go?" or "Do you keep thinking about what could go wrong?"Go where you want to, not to the places where you are advised to go because roads to your destination are often lonely and scary, but your will power make them friendly and easy to walk. Learn to live in the moment, life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you'll never get the same moment twice. Real difficulties can be handled with our actions and proper mindset but the difficulties you created by overthinking have no solution because your negative thoughts won't let you grow. You will go where your thoughts go, you become your thoughts so instead of boxing yourself; think about taking action in the present moment.Train yourself before any action, prepare yourself like any exam and "focus on the ways where your life could go right". In today's world, anything that matters is "hardwork in right direction because following passion is really important for your mental peace"."9 to 5 job till 65" or "passion-oriented career till 35"; the choice is always yours because living by design is more important than just earning for paying bills

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