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Words are powerful without any doubt, they can create, or they can destroy, they can be forgiven not forgotten, they give wounds but can't heal so choose your words wisely. The wound given by a sword can be healed but nothing can heal a wound given by words. Words can crush a heart if used badly or heal a heart if used correctly; they can shatter dreams or energize them, so we have to keep a check on our tongue.Don't mix bad words with your bad mood because you will have many opportunities to change a mood, but you will never get the opportunity to replace the words you have spoken. Before you speak something in anger, let your words pass through two gates "Is it necessary?", "Is it kind?"Remember, raise your words, not your voice because it is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. Words can express true feelings, true emotions, and wisdom; express your words carefully to bring peace to this world. Choose the words you say to yourself wisely, they are creating your reality."What you speak of your life is what your life will become"Instead of saying "I don't know how to do it", say "I am committed to learning". Our faith is really proven in the way we talk to ourselves; the loudest human voice you will ever listen to is your own. Be sure to taste your own words before you spit them out.

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