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When I say, "life is the sum of all your choices", i mean it because your attitude towards your problems and choices make your life meaningful. Never make your decisions on the advice of those who don't have to deal with the results. You are free to choose, don't be afraid of results or consequences as every situation has both negative and positive impact on your life. "Positive impact makes you strong and build your courage while negative impact make you learn so that you are ready to face next challenges".Simple words will explain this as "if you don't like your life, it's time to start making better choices". Choices will not always be good, bad choices are a proof that you are moving in a right direction and will make better choices in near future. Make choices and be confident in your own decisions, stop looking for people's approval in everything because you are not a puppet. In the journey of life, your birth is completely beyond your control because you didn't choose your parents, your nation, your city or religion and even death is completely beyond our control. Problems bring a learning experience with them, some of them within our control which we can solve, but many problems and issues are beyond our control so learn to let go few things for your mental peace.Ask yourself "if you have the choice to live your life, then why aren't you?" People often say, "life is from Birth to Death", they often forget that between this B & D, there is 'C' which stands for "Choices". Take a chance to support your choices, I promise you all that you will never fall if you have true focus. Every decision is easy once you make it, important is to think carefully about the right ones. Once we make a right choice, it will help us make better decisions because experience will make us a better person despite all the negativity around us. "Being poor is matter of birth, being old is matter of age but being a gentleman/gentlewoman is a matter of choice"

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