Chapter Four

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Lloyd woke up to feeling pain in his arm. Looking over he saw a figure bent over it, doing something.

"Sorry, I did that a bit tight. Your arm started bleeding as you slept, I'm just replacing the bandages." The figure said.

Oh! That's Kai, right. Seeing his hair flat down looks very different, especially since Lloyd could only see a shadow.

"Done. Alright, it should be good for the night." Kai stood up and climbed back into bed, pulling Lloyd in for a hug.

As Lloyd cuddled in he asked a question. "What time is it?"

"Around four."

"What were you doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Wait, you haven't slept all night?"


Lloyd stopped asking questions. Kai needed to sleep.


Lloyd woke up first the next day and got a good look at Kai. Even as he slept he had dark bags under his eyes. Lloyd decided not to wake him up, Kai deserved rest.

After squirming out from under Kai's arm he noticed a message from Morro. Apparently he was needed in the Warehouse, Sensei wanted himself and Morro to take care of a hostage situation. After changing and leaving a note to Kai, Lloyd tried to slip out unnoticed.

"Lloyd?" Nya yawned. "Good morning."

"Morning. I have to leave for a bit, Morro needs me for something." Lloyd used the same half-lie he used on Kai's note.

Nya nodded. "Stay safe."

With that Lloyd left, reaching the warehouse and switching into his gi. Sensei and Morro were already there.

"Here is the address, it is unknown how many hostages are there but police can't get through. I must inform you, it is outside of the city. You shouldn't take your mech, stealth is key." Wu handed Morro a slip of paper.

"How should I get there in time without my mech?" Lloyd asked.

Morro grinned and turned to where his glider was. "You'll use one of these." He pulled out his own and another, handing one to Lloyd. "Don't worry, I'll control it, you just have to be in it."

A bit nervous, Lloyd slipped it over his shoulders and tightened it as tight as he could. He trusted Morro, he knew Morro wouldn't let him fall, but he was still nervous.

Morro reread the address and nodded, pushing it into his pocket. "Alright, let's go."

He led Lloyd up onto a roof and told him what to do. "All you have to do is jump, the glider will catch the air to make you glide down. I'll angle it to hold you in the air and send you forwards rather than down."

Both jumped, and for a split second Lloyd thought he did it wrong and was falling. Thankfully Morro caught him and sent him upwards, both gliding outside the city.

The view was amazing. It almost made up for the fact that he was who knows how high up in the sky above Ninjago City. Lloyd wasn't one for heights, he could stand them but he'd much rather be in a mech or on the ground.

It took maybe ten minutes to get there. Dread filled Lloyd's body when he saw where they were. It was the museum his mother was at, she was there to have a meeting or something with her boss. Morro noticed his concerned expression as they landed on the roof.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Aunt Koko's fine. She's tough."

"Yeah, she is." Lloyd shook off his anxiety and leaned over the end, looking at the front door. Two men stood there with guns, each dressed in all black.

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